Rugby Club progress...


Well-Known Forumite
Surely only one position was resigned,and there were technically 2?

It's a bit like Dr Who. Companies House records often include multiple director IDs due to the way directors can become a different person if minor details like address change, so that's only a concern if someone is deliberately starting new companies before another one goes bust. But if it were possible to have one person with two director positions on the same board, that might mean anyone would start a ltd company by themself.

According to publicly available Companies House info there are two listed MALs. The one who's a SRUFC director is also a director of five other companies, including the property developer whose fellow board member he apparently doesn't know! Maybe there really are two MALs? Hurrah for transparency.

The Hawk

Well-Known Forumite
Can't seem to get on at the min?

EDIT: Have now, have attached the doc.

The Wildlife Trust have not just made an overwhelming case as to why this proposal should be rejected, they have also pointed out many of threats to this Site of Special Scientific Interest/reserve that could constitute offences under various Acts (Wildlife & Countryside Act, Environment Act, Natural Environment & Rural Communities Act etc.). There is also a raft of European Directives as well.

Even if Stafford Borough Council went against all reason and approved this application, it would not protect the Rugby Club against their responsibilities under such acts and directives.


Well-Known Forumite
Think how much this has already cost the taxpayer. Never mind the environmental offences, this is plain old Fraud (allegedly!).


wanna see my snake?
Even if Stafford Borough Council went against all reason and approved this application, it would not protect the Rugby Club against their responsibilities under such acts and directives.

Are you saying that the rugby club could still be prosecuted despite the council allowing the proposals? Can they be forced to make right the transgressions, at their own expense? If so that would be the end of Stafford Rugby club for sure, as they'd have no facilities and a huge debt to pay.


Forum O. G.
Are you saying that the rugby club could still be prosecuted despite the council allowing the proposals? Can they be forced to make right the transgressions, at their own expense? If so that would be the end of Stafford Rugby club for sure, as they'd have no facilities and a huge debt to pay.
In general, the person or entity that commits the offence is directly liable, though they may have a claim against other persons or entities that gave them advice and/or invalid permissions.

And, leaving the EU won't be an answer - most EU directives have legal force in Norway, which has never been a member.


Well-Known Forumite
Are you saying that the rugby club could still be prosecuted despite the council allowing the proposals? Can they be forced to make right the transgressions, at their own expense? If so that would be the end of Stafford Rugby club for sure, as they'd have no facilities and a huge debt to pay.

False representation, failing to disclose information, abuse of position? No doubt a solicitor will tell us for a few thousand quid.


Disabled account
Again I have no idea where yo get your information on NE, but glad we agree they did not object - the rest of your analogy just confuses me


Disabled account
MAL will probably be busy with rugby today, but it takes seconds to find out that Mr H became a director in May 2014. While we're on the subject, according to Companies House, MAL became a director on 7/4/11, but was then appointed again with a different ID on 26/4/12, only to resign on 26/4/12? Yet despite that he's still a director now. Seems like there's shome mistake in the record here.
So my memory was correct - thanks. I see no relevance on here to any other discussion about SRUFC as a company etc.


wanna see my snake?
Again I have no idea where yo get your information on NE, but glad we agree they did not object - the rest of your analogy just confuses me

I thought they said they would not object as long as full consideration was given to SWT, which has not happened?


Disabled account
I never answer a direct question , I will keep on ranting the "no objection " jibe . I have friends in high places who can manipulate and move obstacles that are in our way , and if found out we can call it a misunderstanding ! Again and again. Perhaps distance ourselves from the known associates and hopefully be squeaky clean , this don't happen in a small town does it ? Nudge nudge wink wink favour for a favour .
Again all of this is interesting accusations on a forum where people have talked of the benefits of anonymity and use that to make allegations they may not make in a public forum. It is an interesting proposition to say cannot be bullied as anonymous and yet use that privilege to bully, to search backgrounds etc etc. I have answered many direct questions and been criticised for too brief responses when very direct. You can keep repeating jibes and falsehoods about friend in high places and innuendo of wrong doing it does not make it true.


Disabled account
I must admit that it is beginning to grate upon me somewhat that you keep bringing this up to legitimise this application. Natural England have no objection to this proposal on what are very narrow parameters. They have quite clearly stated that their lack of objection is grounded in these very narrow parameters, and have quite clearly maintained throughout that they are not the best people to ask about the wider implications of this development. They have even directed the Planning Officer toward the people who are the best people to ask. It is quite clear that the said PO has then roundly ignored this direction.

TBF, i am more disappointed with them than i am with you - after all, why the f**k should you care?

I am a big fan of analogies, so please indulge me... you are a man, you have a car, a wife, a PA, and a needy friend.

The friend calls and asks to borrow your car. You are out, so your PA takes the call then passes it on. You get the message, you have no problem with the request, but ask that your PA consults your wife to ask if she has a problem with it, and if she does, to say no. Your PA calls your wife, she refuses permission to borrow the car in no uncertain terms, convinced that the friend will not take due care of it. Your PA calls the friend to say that they can borrow the car.

The friend borrows the car, and returns it with a huge dent.

Some months pass...

The friend calls and asks to borrow your car. You are out, so your PA takes the call then passes it on. You get the message, you still have no problem with the request.

You now know that your wife will not give her permission to borrow the car. You know that your PA has directly ignored your directions in this matter once before. Do you ask that your PA consults your wife to ask if she has a problem with it?

This is a false dichotomy.

Your false dichotomy is bad, and you should feel bad.:zoidberg:
I am not sure why this is described as a false dichotomy.


Disabled account
I thought the relevance was people involved in the planning application holding positions elsewhere that could be said to cause a conflict of interest. I may be wrong, but thats how I read it and I believe that is relevant to planning.
Comments seemed to relate to private business interests - these are not rugby club related and not relevant. If we believe in the principals of anonymous forum surely people should not be trolling through FB profiles, companies house records etc to publish on this forum no matter how convoluted the post
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