Recent content by Markerat

  1. Markerat

    Is Oxford Gardens a rough area?

    The army types you suggest reside in Tedder road married quarters mainly. That's quite a distance away although with a decent head wind you can sometimes hear them from around 15 streets away lol. Who doesn't love hearing married couples argue though lets be honest, especially if there a bit tipsy.
  2. Markerat

    Is Oxford Gardens a rough area?

    I wouldn't say its rough. There's a lot worse places in Stafford. At John Wheeldon end it can get a bit noisy at playtime and hometime. I've lived in Oxford gardens and around there since I was born, maybe I've just got used to the level of rough though. Ideally aim for the bigger numbers in...
  3. Markerat

    Shakespeare at the Castle 2011 - The Comedy of Errors

    Mum has 6 tickets to it. I'm not going but hope you enjoy it to everyone who is.
  4. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    Yes I hadn't seen an anti vac before to be honest. The plumber said it would 'do the trick', after I inspected one in wickes I though he was wrong and didn't buy it. As you say its just to let air in and not an aerator or non return valve as he described it to me. I put the new bottle trap on...
  5. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    There is already a hole big enough for a football to pass though in the boards under the bath so that's not an issue. The plan is to replace the bath waste pipe, this gets rid of the combined overflow fitting so that the trap can sit higher giving better gravity effect for the water to run off...
  6. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    OK I bear wrestled the bath side panel off and had a good look and a measure with spirit levels and visually examined the situation after convincing Mum it wasn't going to make the world explode. A few things were noted: (a) The main waste pipe runs up hill so the water runs towards the plug...
  7. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    Trouble is Rikki Tweedle dum and tweedle dumber have tiled the floors, walls and made the bath panel side fixed so its now impossible to check the routes of pipes without causing some major damage. They didn't include any way to allow for maintenance to the system in the work they did so if it...
  8. Markerat

    Should we bail out Greece?

    If Greece goes back to the Drachma it will be 1/5 (one fifth) its value of when it left. Under 25's in Greece are at 50% unemployment due to lack of work and lack of motivation to work from high taxes.
  9. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    He's still here putting in a new kitchen and 'promises' to sort it out after he's finished with what he's doing. I've got a feeling something like the Tee connection for the sink/bath was not lowered to the same height as the new lowered bath outlet. He's hopefully going to sort it out or Mr...
  10. Markerat

    Plumbing problem - place your bets

    My mum has had a new bathroom fitted by a 'professional' plumber (OK stop laughing now). He's put in a new sink, bath and shower. When you pull the plug on the sink a fountain of water 30cm/1 foot comes out of the bath plug hole. It does happen the other way round too but not as severe. If...
  11. Markerat

    HUGE van needed

    and again!
  12. Markerat

    HUGE van needed

    Its a reoccurring theme it seems.
  13. Markerat

    Wanna play a game?

    Worth a skill point right there young man, Chav bonnet ornaments are hard to come by. They always seems to just make it out of the way in time unfortunately.
  14. Markerat

    On the Dole and very proud

    Is it possible to CRB yourself if you want to see what others see? I may have a criminal record if it wasn't removed properly as promised. Knowing the Army's legal system I'm guessing its got some shadow if I check. If anyone can clue me in I would be grateful.
  15. Markerat


    The ST220 is Grp 16 to put it into perspective. It needs to be a stunning drive, and I'd want Uma Thurman as standard equipment as well.