Recent content by natalo77

  1. N

    In this thread, we will post forgotten chocolate bars..

    the old cadbury's range, the coffee cream, orange, and everything wonderful... sad about them really... i would have liked to try the orange one, or the mint one, or the coffee one, or the.....etc.
  2. N

    World of warcraft

    lol, shouldn't the title read: world of war-crack, as the saying goes around our social group, origins being to the addictiveness of it... i don't play but my friend does...
  3. N

    Riots in Tottenham

    have you seen the video on the BBC homepage about the injured kid getting helped to his feet, then getting mugged... BY THE PEOPLE THAT HELPED HIM!!!!!1!!!!111!! Admin edit: Moved post to correct thread.
  4. N

    Stoopid pictures :)

  5. N

    Haynes Manuals - Is it just me?......

  6. N

    Should we bail out Greece?

    this has come up in my household before: why don't we all forget the debts and start afresh.... T_T yeah, like that's gonna work, but no, we should not bail out Greece, shouldn't have got there in the first place, and we're in pretty much the same situation, they can either get themselves...