Search results

  1. F

    Local Opinion Needed (Re: Doxey!)

    The attraction of new build for us primarily are the part exchange deals the builders offer. I don't want to sit here for 2 years waiting for our existing house to sell! Plus my dad spent his entire life working on new builds, and he's superb at drawing up snagging lists and getting stuff fixed...
  2. F

    Local Opinion Needed (Re: Doxey!)

    Myself and Mrs Fwump are about to start looking for a new house, and we quite fancy the look of the Redrow houses on the new Castleview development off the Doxey Road... However, I just wondered if any one had any opinions on the area? (or the development in general...) (Given that we'd be...
  3. F

    Recommendations for landscape gardening/driveways... oh, & decorators!

    Cheers guys! I'll be making some enquiries with the recommended parties in the next day or two :)
  4. F

    Recommendations for landscape gardening/driveways... oh, & decorators!

    Okay... so it's been 3 years I've been promising to sort out the problem that is our waste of space front garden, and messy driveway and apart from wistfully waving a hedge trimmer in its general direction I've done... nowt. So, I think it's time to bring in the professionals and just get it...
  5. F

    ELECTRICIAN - AWARD Electrical

    Can I just raise both hands in support of Alex as well. We had a minor crisis last night when both the electric shower and bathroom light decided to give up the ghost. Called him this morning and he came out a few hours later and has left everything as good as new - sorting out some decidedly...
  6. F

    Anyone Recommend Somewhere for Welding Repairs?

    Cheers - thanks for the pointer. I'll pop around to FMS and see if they can take care of the welding (if I can be bothered to face the rain again... only just dried out!)
  7. F

    Anyone Recommend Somewhere for Welding Repairs?

    The girlfriend's car just failed its MOT, due to excessive corrosion on the rear sills. (It's not exactly ancient - a W reg Mondeo. Most be all of this goddamned rain!) Apparently it needs welding - but the MOT garage couldn't recommend anywhere to get it done as the place they used to use...
  8. F

    Epic Movie

    Dammit - I was looking forward to the new Coen one as well. Looked almost like a return to the Blood Simple days... Still, patience is a virtue.
  9. F

    whats not rocking your musical world

    funk·y [fuhng-kee] –adjective, funk·i·er, funk·i·est. Having an offensive smell; evil-smelling; foul. :D
  10. F

    What was no.1 on the day you were born?

    Day of Birth: TRex - Metal Guru (quite apt really - hehe). 18th Birthday: Adamski - Killer Not bad really. :)
  11. F

    Guitar Shopping (recommendations)

    Haha, if only Jon had managed to keep quiet - that would've freaked me out no end! Hehe. ;)
  12. F

    This is England

    And 'A Room for Romeo Brass' too. - Brilliant! Haven't seen the boxing one with Bob Hoskins (TwentyFour/Seven) - but I've got the soundtrack. Which is.... Brilliant! ;)
  13. F

    This is England

    Another recommendation for 'Dead Mans Shoes' from me as well. Brilliant gritty revenge flick. And it makes a real difference seeing these films played out against a familiar backdrop. Looking forward to 'This is England'.
  14. F

    Guitar Shopping (recommendations)

    7? Are you mad? Takes all my concentration to play 6. ;) I need a 335 at the moment - although I'll probably settle for an Epiphone and pocket the difference. Having played a couple of friends. There's a gap in my collection for a nice semi. And they look so nice hanging on the wall. :)...
  15. F

    Guitar Shopping (recommendations)

    Thanks guys - I'll check out what there is. Although looks as though I might have to risk ordering online to get exactly what I want (and just cross my fingers that I get a 'good un'.) Had bad experiences (first and second hand) with Musical Exchanges in Brum (way way in the past) - although...
  16. F

    the Garden Party

    Darn it. What with one thing and another I never made it down. Gutted. :( Glad you all had a good time though - hopefully that means there'll be a second one sometime soon? ;)
  17. F

    Guitar Shopping (recommendations)

    Both myself and the missus are getting the urge to spend some cash on a new guitar or two (or three ...ahem) - but being new to the 'Ford I was wondering if anyone could recommend a decent shop or two in the area? (For both electric and acoustic - it's important to have a well-rounded arsenal...
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    Age Obsessed Question

    Just to raise the average a little more... 34. (...for another 2 weeks anyway).
  19. F

    the Garden Party

    Cool. Sounds like a laugh, I shall endeavour to wend my way there! Although my Dad might be disappointed that it's not an all night rave... hehe.
  20. F

    While we're plugging band MySpace pages...

    I'm sure they'd love to do Garden Party 2: The Revenge - for that matter, so would I! ;)