Akum,s Theorum!


Old Skool Vet
By jove I think I've got it and I'm going to call it Equilibrism! yes Equilibrism.



Old Skool Vet
Gramaisc said:
God damn it, someone thought of it first! I thought I'd made that word up while having a smoke in the garden...

Initially this seems very commendable, I shall read more tomorrow.

You is a good dog.

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
I invented fake blue plaques
I also invented decoy wasp nests
Trouble is so did someone else ten minutes before me


Forum O. G.
Aah, but if you invent things too early, then you have to wait for somebody else to invent it again, and, if they do it after your patent has expired, then you need to hope that they then need you to say that they haven't just pinched it off somebody who invented it between the two of you..