Babylon 5 is a big pile of shit...


Chris was said once on 'Spaced'. HOWEVER... I disagree! think anyone who likes Sci Fi stuff would like it if they give it a chance. Ok...some are a bit shitty but hell of a foresight to write a 5 series TV show and link the 1st series with the last etc

I likey!


Well-Known Forumite
Oh come on, the pilot and first series stank more that a dog egg on a bad day. DS9 was far better.


Toble said:
Oh come on, the pilot and first series stank more that a dog egg on a bad day. DS9 was far better.
nah thats true...way too cheesy etc, other episodes similar, but when you filter out the crap tis good, few plot points in there that made ZERO sense now making sense on the 3rd series etc. Its just a brilliant story arc in my book. The Shadow war is kind of like the war in DS9...the only Start Trek think I actually liked but only in the later parts of the series. It has a fair few comparisons to DS9 actually...similar setup etc plus some episodes are pants.

*goes away to ponder just how similar they are*