Filing cabinet with lock


Well-Known Forumite
I could really do with a lockable tall filing cabinet (4 drawers) - the kind you get in an office. I'd like it free or as cheap as poss lol. It's to try to get control of all the paperwork I'm doing for other people who need my help. Paper is just taking over my house and its drastic! I'd be willing to give a donation to a charity of your choice. I know it's a big ask but I'm drowning here ! Thanks anyone.


Forum O. G.
I got mine from various collapsing businesses, but, if you need one now, then a few quid to the Hospice should get you one fairly sharpish.

Do you really need a four-drawer? They hold a vast amount. Although it may look a lot now, when it's sorted and collated, the reduction in volume can be dramatic.


Well-Known Forumite
I got mine from various collapsing businesses, but, if you need one now, then a few quid to the Hospice should get you one fairly sharpish.

Do you really need a four-drawer? They hold a vast amount. Although it may look a lot now, when it's sorted and collated, the reduction in volume can be dramatic.
I'll try to go on the way back from the hospital tomorrow then. I'm shredding as I go along but it's still a lot as its 4 complex cases I handle as a favour so 4 drawers is probably best. It needs to look ok cosmetically as it'll be in the small bedroom not a garage or shed. Thnx.


Forum O. G.
I'll try to go on the way back from the hospital tomorrow then. I'm shredding as I go along but it's still a lot as its 4 complex cases I handle as a favour so 4 drawers is probably best. It needs to look ok cosmetically as it'll be in the small bedroom not a garage or shed. Thnx.

Fair enough. A four-drawer cabinet will hold the equivalent of a pile of paper six feet high - but, segregation can be handy.

We had a GEC 4000..


..I well remember one of our transient MDs thumping the big grey thing by the door and saying "How many megabytes in there, then?" - and being told "Bloody stacks - that's a filing cabinet. The computer's over there and please don't punch it."


Well-Known Forumite
Well if anyone else needs one ring facilities and estates at St George's Hospital , they aw getting rid of loads in the next few months