Livedrive Briefcase accounts


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
Many of you will already be aware that I sell Livedrive Backup accounts.

Another Livedrive product I sell is their briefcase service, which gives you a new "L" drive on your PC which sync's across all of your computers and devices so that you can access the same files wherever you are.

Livedrive currently charge £9.95 per month for a 2TB briefcase (without backup)

I have just reduced my own prices further, the following prices are per year...
500GB = £39.95
1TB = £49.95
1.5TB = £59.95
2TB = £69.95 (saving £49.45)

Not only that but livedrive don't include backup with their briefcase service as standard. I am also including UNLIMITED backup for up to 5 computers in addition to the briefcase which can be installed on as many computers and devices as you wish!

More info or to join...
