Private Schulz


Well-Known Forumite
Well, I finished the magnificent Private Schulz whilst I was away - and was going to start on Boys from the Blackstuff, but decided not to, as it might seem like a homage.

I might do Reggie Perrin, instead..
Actually, going back to the whole 'Fish People Tapes' thing, the line in it that goes something like 'we don't get Channel 4 round our way, we get our misery direct' was a direct response to the 'Blackstuff' - i still remember watching Chrissy's story (sp ?) and being unnerved by it.

This was, of course, back in the day etc. One can't help wondering whether it might actually be more unnerving today, sort of thing.


Forum O. G.
BftB was possibly the last great communal television event - I particularly remember the national sense of almost shame when we all laughed involuntarily at Yosser's Desperate Dan 'joke'.....