The Beautiful Game

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords

Away days and the British Police, a damning report


Well-Known Forumite
I once worked with a chap who had quit the force after serving for about a year - the reason he gave was almost identical to the view here,
They're cruel, inhumane, barbaric and brutal. They look on people with disdain.
He could see himself becoming detached and suspicious of everyone he saw, didn't like it, and jacked it in.

I can see why that kind of attitude creeps in, but it is very worrying. Casual violence and misanthropy is not the ideal mindset of the Guards.

My Name is URL

Well-Known Forumite
Been there, seen that. The police are a law unto themselves when it comes to football.

I hate away days with large police presence, they cause as much trouble as they stop.

When they tell you what to do, you do it or you get arrested. Even politely put sensible questions get met with "f**k off or i'll set my dog on you"

Last season coming out of the ground at an away match I got directed by the police right towards a baying mob of home fans. I legged it and luckily was safe but one pensioner got hit with a brick, a mate got a kicking and a couple more got threatened with broken glass bottles.