Rough Sleepers/Beggars in Stafford.


Well-Known Forumite
More evidence that councillors are normal people living in the real world just like us. Of course we all know that rough sleepers always carry a couple of grand around with them. Maybe the councillors will pay the fines out of their expenses.


Well-Known Forumite
Rough sleeping can have impact on areas and businesses for the negative, but this is no way to deal with it.

Would rather councils looking at powers to stop greedy and lazy shop landlords letting good premises stand empty and idle for years due to over the top rents.

Close the loop holes and charge landlord full business rates against their own rents if property is empty 2 years.

After all it is high landlord rents preventing occupancy that in turn leads to less rates coming in and people spending money locally.

That would make landlords think twice and fill 1000s of properties up and down the country in town centres.


Forum O. G.
These are (ex)benches in Belfast - "to discourage people congregating in the area".



wanna see my snake?
Tbh I agree with what the coop has done,
... yes it's a hard life for a rough sleeper, but no one wants to walk past somewhere constantly smelling of piss which it always did before the stones were put there.
Why would a homeless person piss where they sleep?

Theresa Green

Well-Known Forumite
Conservative Mayor of the West Midlands ( elected ) poses with a giant homeless figure in Birmingham

So proud of the Conservatives

Achieving so much



Well-Known Forumite
They let the rough sleepers keep their tents up around here , except last week when the victorian xmas market was on and they worked with the people in them to move them into hostels (some with pets won't go into hostels if their pets can't join them).

Can't see the point in Stafford /Stoke not allowing tents (although one permanent rough sleeper in a tent here was sometimes joined by 'lodgers' visiting the area) , if they are going to have to still sleep in doorways.

My brother works for the council and told me a few years ago that he had been instructed on his rounds to pick up any rough sleepers belongs he found around Stafford and sling them......he had a good relationship with quite a few of the rough sleepers around town and sort of didn't see any belongings on his round. He couldn't do it to them, slinging the only few possessions they owned.

I was thinking of all those sleeping outside this morning as I was getting frostbite just nipping out quickly to scrape the car windows. The windscreen wipers were stuck solid to the windscreen cover . They must be bloody freezing out there!
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Well-Known Forumite
It's a shame that more can't be done with old railway passenger carriages, they are mobile and can be connected up to provide power and possibly heating? With most stations being close to the centre of most towns I'd have thought they would be a sensible option when it's freezing.

It might not be feasible but would be interesting to hear from someone with more experience if its physically do able.


Forum O. G.
It's a shame that more can't be done with old railway passenger carriages, they are mobile and can be connected up to provide power and possibly heating? With most stations being close to the centre of most towns I'd have thought they would be a sensible option when it's freezing.

It might not be feasible but would be interesting to hear from someone with more experience if its physically do able.
This was a common use for old railway carriages at one time.


Although for less altruistic reasons.
