Stoke-on-Trent Song!!!!


Well, they had to do it, didn't they???

The Stoke answer to the Stafford Song. Not big on lyrics


there's an article in yesterday's Post slating this song, saying it's well cheesy and a big waste of time lol.. i haven't listened to it yet (no speakers on this PC) but we certainly didn't get that kind of response to the Stafford Song!

oh, and apparently the song was written by some exec at Signal radio.. no doubt directly inspired by Sofa's effort!


I'm a Staffooooooordian
dirtybobby said:
oh, and apparently the song was written by some exec at Signal radio..
I was a little the worse for wear last night when I wrote the above comment. Listening to "Moving Forwards Together" now, I'm afraid I have to be honest, it reminds me a little of some eastern European country's entrys to the Eurovision Song Contest. I'm sure I recognise the vocalist from one of my favourite Albania techno albums.

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
We all had a good laugh at this the other day. Honestly...could they not have put a bit more effort into the lyrics?!? I'm sooooooo glad that when I'm on hold with Stafford BC/CC my ears aren't subjected to such a crapola tune!