Today I saw...


Well-Known Forumite
And Wadworths's Berkeley Arms at the far right of the photograph.
I think that the black and white timbered building that you are referring to is actually the record shop which is next door but one to the Berkeley Arms.

Phew, another thread saved from being derailed into pub talk 😂😂😂


Well-Known Forumite
I think that the black and white timbered building that you are referring to is actually the record shop which is next door but one to the Berkeley Arms.

Phew, another thread saved from being derailed into pub talk 😂😂😂
Sorry, yes.
Those old black and white buildings all look the same from a distance.


Well-Known Forumite
Things got so much easier when coloured buildings were invented.
Yes indeed.
It looks ghastly but know where you are at


Well-Known Forumite
Things got so much easier when coloured buildings were invented.
Black & white is pretty much Victorian, once they had got plaster without impurities that was white and creosote to protect the wood and turn it black. Before that the plaster was something like buff coloured and if the wood was oak then that was silvery grey. If you look at picture in medieval manuscripts then you might see depicted red walls and blue woodwork. Good imaginations those medieval scribes.


Forum O. G.
... on my way back from the Lidl run, that the Sweet Pea Hedge has emerged.


I had expected it to be noticeably late this year, but, in all the years that I've monitored its emergence, it has been this, or the previous, week.

Just up the road, I also found this, a set of modern galvanised gates, but in the style of the old wrought iron gates that once populated the area. The old gates are far less common now, as machinery has got larger, but there are still lots around, if you look. I'm not sure whose gates these are, but I should find out in the near future.


This is an old one, that has been widened - twice.



Mad Cat Woman
Today I went with the Eldest & his Mrs to The British Motoring Museum at Gaydon in Warwickshire. I was in almost heaven, all those cars! Almost because there was no MK3 Ford Cortina. They had a MK4 not No 3. I didn't take an awful lot of photos, prefer to look instead of having my phone in my hand all the time.
Drove home quite happy tho.
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Well-Known Forumite
Stopped at a service station after a long drive from up North. On returning to the car I saw a number of small birds feasting on the dead bugs splattered on the grill of my car. What they missed I'll have to wash off today.


Well-Known Forumite
Stopped at a service station after a long drive from up North. On returning to the car I saw a number of small birds feasting on the dead bugs splattered on the grill of my car. What they missed I'll have to wash off today.
What they missed I'll have to wash off today - and put on the bird table ?


Forum O. G.
... the chap who's been steadily excavating a trench along the edge of the gravel drive.

It's been going on for weeks, slowly being extended away from the house - quite neatly and methodically done. He's probably done about twelve feet now, over a month or so.

I had various potential suspects - the crows, a fox who passes through occasionally, even the hedgehog.

The drive was whacked in hard and the stones don't come out easily, so I was a bit surprised to see who it was, finally.


I'll leave him to it for now, he's doing a fairly neat job, leaving the stones where they can be brushed back in eventually and even pulling weeds out for me.

I imagine that he's found that it's a hidey-hole for tasty morsels, slugs, and even snails, as there are some shell fragments about the area, but that could be the (other) thrushes, of course.