The President of the United States of America.


Enjoying a drop of red.
Might I be presumptuous and politely suggest the reading from time to time of The Washington Post

Most enlightening
What makes you think I don't already?

It's heavy going though because, aside from the misery of reading what the clown gets up to, I find the US journalistic style somewhat irritating.


Well-Known Forumite
While I find Robert Oppenheimer's words very moving, I was always stunned by the words of Kenneth Bainbridge, a physicist who was the test director of the very first atomic test detonation at Alamogordo. When the bomb exploded he turned to Oppenheimer and said: "Now we're all sons of bitches."


Well-Known Forumite


Well-Known Forumite
Bit unclear in that article if she blinked the letters HELP ditditditdit dit ditdahditdit ditdahdahdit

or SOS ditditditdahdahdahditditdit (usually run together when sent in earnest.)

Since there's no film of the blinking, I can't judge .. (I did Morse code for many years at sea, if you're wondering.)


Well-Known Forumite
However, having witnessed Trump's press conference on BBC4 100 days last night, I really fear for us all. The man is as mad as a March Hare ... (which I deeply suspect is hard on March Hares.)


Well-Known Forumite
Bit unclear in that article if she blinked the letters HELP ditditditdit dit ditdahditdit ditdahdahdit

or SOS ditditditdahdahdahditditdit (usually run together when sent in earnest.)

Since there's no film of the blinking, I can't judge .. (I did Morse code for many years at sea, if you're wondering.)

The reactionary and oldfashioned version might be CQD or really confuse people with GBXY RRR. And I don't have the first idea of the morse code for them.