Ah the budget

Bight rev

A few posts under my belt
didnt take long did it mr lefroy. Promises promises.


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Well-Known Forumite
Happy to pay extra, It's the lies I object to. Saying he will increase self employed NI to "make it fairer" is, plain and simply, a lie. We will soon be paying 1% less NI than anyone employed, but get no sick pay, no holiday pay, no Paternity pay, take all the risks of business (usually personal risks) and will soon be expected to complete tax returns on a quarterly basis digitally, as well as working far more hours than anyone employed is legally allowed to do - and, certainly initially, all done whilst paying ourselves far less than the minimum wage. Can't see any fairness in that. But then I would expect no less from an Oxford graduate with two homes and a personal wealth of £9 million who blamed the financial crisis on people taking out loans, not the banks and accepted a "bribe" from Saudis


Well-Known Forumite
Ha ha. Gotta love the Stafford forumites. Moaning about cuts to public services one day and then complaining about tax rises the next. And these people think they're too clever for Facebook, lol.

Because we need to blow up the desert, renew trident, increase MPs salaries and give tax breaks to large corporations...


Well-Known Forumite
Happy to pay extra, It's the lies I object to. Saying he will increase self employed NI to "make it fairer" is, plain and simply, a lie. We will soon be paying 1% less NI than anyone employed, but get no sick pay, no holiday pay, no Paternity pay, take all the risks of business (usually personal risks) and will soon be expected to complete tax returns on a quarterly basis digitally, as well as working far more hours than anyone employed is legally allowed to do - and, certainly initially, all done whilst paying ourselves far less than the minimum wage. Can't see any fairness in that. But then I would expect no less from an Oxford graduate with two homes and a personal wealth of £9 million who blamed the financial crisis on people taking out loans, not the banks and accepted a "bribe" from Saudis

NI doesn't cover holiday pay, employers cover that. NI covers the NHS, pensions, sickness and unemployment benefit. Why should u pay less than an employed person? You'll have access to the same benefits should u need them.

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
NI doesn't cover holiday pay, employers cover that. NI covers the NHS, pensions, sickness and unemployment benefit. Why should u pay less than an employed person? You'll have access to the same benefits should u need them.

There is a zero relationship between taxes of any description paid and any ' benefits' received in terms of monies in and out

It's simply The Treasury

And Those FuckingAnnoying Departments

None of any of the money you think you pay now into the state pension will actually pay for your state pension

You are simply paying into the Treasury, they in turn service a giant debt, and one of those loans now pays current state pensions

There is no provision for future pensioners

That money is yet to be borrowed


Forum O. G.
There are theoretical hypothecations in the system, but they are easily circumvented and rarely aren't.


Well-Known Forumite
NI doesn't cover holiday pay, employers cover that. NI covers the NHS, pensions, sickness and unemployment benefit. Why should u pay less than an employed person? You'll have access to the same benefits should u need them.
Wrong again.
Self employed workers don't have the same sick pay or unemployment benefit as employees (or maternity/paternity benefit etc etc).
As others have stated NI contributions are just another general tax that are all collected by central government for a central"pot"along with VAT, vehicle licence (road tax) etc etc.


Well-Known Forumite
Because we need to blow up the desert, renew trident, increase MPs salaries and give tax breaks to large corporations...
...and increase the strain on public services further by allowing (pick a number) more people to continue to stream into the country.


Well-Known Forumite
You're right, I haven't. But I gather from the media the hospitals are in a mess. That is my point - we're government-bashing aren't we? Taxes going up but can't see any improvement?

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
You're right, I haven't. But I gather from the media the hospitals are in a mess. That is my point - we're government-bashing aren't we? Taxes going up but can't see any improvement?

Our hospitals only run BECAUSE of a 'foreign' workforce

Cut the immigration- you have no functioning hospitals


My last visit to UHNM... Spanish nurse, then Polish radiographer, Zimbabwean nurse specialist, Zimbabwean surgeon. Greek consultant

And no.



wanna see my snake?
My last unplanned hospital visit was similar, it's no shock that nurses are on the exclusion list when it comes to only allowing non-eu workers earning over 30k to stay in the country indefinitely.

We let more non European Migrants into the UK, over who we have complete control, than we do EU ones. Weird thing to do if immigration is an issue?


Well-Known Forumite
Yes I accept that. What I do struggle with however, (and this may seem radical) but don't we have 1.5m unemployed?

I understand that the majority of those wouldn't be consultant surgeon educated, but why can't we get some of them off their backsides so we don't need to bring in people to do the jobs for them, and therefore ultimately reduce benefits?

You'll pick all manner of holes in that argument, I'm sure, but I'm interested in the principle of that argument.