Another scam to be aware of


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
I've received a text message today appearing to be from BARCLAYS - in fact it appears with all of my other previous genuine barclays messages in my phone.

It is worded as "A transfer was attempted of £4000 on the 07/04/2016 - was this you? If yes, reply with Y. If no, call on 0843 289 9422. Please have your card reader to hand."

Obviously this is a scam, and on googling the number I found that people have received the same message from (supposedly) other banks.

NEVER - LITERALLY EVER ring the number in such a message. If you want to check that everything is okay with your bank then ring them directly on a contact number that you know belongs to them, or like I did - call them from within your mobile banking app.

These types of scams are massively on the increase. If you receive something that panics you, whether by text, email or whatever - then the chances are that it will be a scam. They are designed to panic you as this puts you into action in a way where you might not consider your next actions carefully enough. Sit back - think about it calmly first. In most cases you will realise that you can safely just ignore the communication.


Well-Known Forumite
I had just completed an order online when my puter crashed as I was putting my credit card details in. Within minutes I had an automated call from my bank checking it was me and not some fraudster.