

(and me! - Ed)
Gratuitous, exploitative, silicon enhanced, titilation?

I am prepared to give it a chance, couldn't put my finger on it, (fnar! fnar!) but it seemed to have a bit more depth than some people have given it credit for! I will be watching again.

The Venerable Mrs Seed couldn't keep her eyes off Mr Duchovny, had to get one of the Seedlings old bibs out to catch the dribble. She seemed to appreciate the dishrevelled personae, at least that is what I interpretted from her glazed expression, and heavy breathing.

There is an apocryphal utterance attributed to Tom Jones about pedalled transport! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!


(and me! - Ed)
30 Rock is a little gem aswell, straight after, heavily and noticibly influenced by any number of British and American shows, but aren't they all?