Electric Guitar lessons


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Prepare yourself - this chap used to live in Stafford, but has gone home to Milton Keynes now.
What a stroke of luck the bloke mentioned whilst I was within earshot that earphones could be plugged into the amplifier ! Was beginning to think I'd have to give up cider and hangovers :o


Well-Known Forumite
Alex Williams now got back in touch and says that he teaches heavy metal. Already looking forwards to the lessons he's booked with Ed at Phoenix to get him playing the guitar, but will book some with Alex at some time to teach him the heavy metal side of it.


Well-Known Forumite
Keep him at it jas its surprising what only 10 mins a day practice makes

Ed's given him some exercises to practice until his first lesson on monday and he's taught himself a bit from the internet . Taking it back to uni with him tomorrow , so spoilt my plans to have a play around with it while he's gone!
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