How David Kidney voted on Iraq

My Name is URL

Well-Known Forumite
Great news on the MP's expenses front.....

Would be interested to know what Mr Kidney makes of all of that given his earlier response to me.... :D


Active Member

Thanks for the weblinks.

Yes, I would be interested to know what Mr Kidney makes of the government's U-turn on expenses being exempted from FOI Act.

Have you read Peter Oborne's The Triumph of the Political Class? Mr Kidney is the epitomy of this section of British society. Holding the executive to account should be his job, but the reality...


Active Member
I've got an update on Mr Kidney's stance on Iraq. Here's his response in full to an email I sent him, asking what he would be doing to ensure the Iraq inquiry would cover every aspect of the war.

He said: "You are right to focus on the terms of reference for the inquiry. After all, there have been four inquiries already and they haven’t satisfied everyone that the invasion was a good idea. And this inquiry will have to cover everything that has happened since the initial invasion was completed, including the preparations for immediate humanitarian aid, re-building broken infra structure and building up a new political system with effective means of spreading democracy, holding free and fair elections, keeping the peace and defending the country. I will certainly take part in the debate about the terms of reference."

So it looks like this inquiry is not going to pay much attention to the pre-invasion lies. If you look at the third sentence it seems that the lesson our leaders are hoping to learn from Iraq is how to do invasions of foreign countries better in future! Can't wait for Iran.

Lunar Scorpion

Anarchy in the UK
Markbin said:
I've got an update on Mr Kidney's stance on Iraq. Here's his response in full to an email I sent him, asking what he would be doing to ensure the Iraq inquiry would cover every aspect of the war.

He said: ".... After all, there have been four inquiries already and they haven’t satisfied everyone that the invasion was a good idea..."
After four inquiries that came to the same conclusion, you would think that they would stop wasting time and presumably taxpayers' money...


Active Member
Lunar, if the first four inquiries hadn't been rigged in favour of the government, there wouldn't be calls for another one. The government is wasting money, not those who expect the democratic process to be clean.

Lunar Scorpion

Anarchy in the UK
Markbin said:
Lunar, if the first four inquiries hadn't been rigged in favour of the government, there wouldn't be calls for another one. The government is wasting money, not those who expect the democratic process to be clean.
Huh? I know the government is wasting money - I even saw a book about what the government have wasted money on when I was window shopping in Waterstone's the other day. Inquiries are always going to be rigged in favour of the government, otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to be published.