
Obi Wan Kenobi

Active Member
Greetings forumites. It has been a long time since i Obi Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master, addressed the forum at large. My cave on tatooine has become something of mess after the Sand-People last paid a visit to my home. Rather than get the Dyson out i thought i would visit the 'ford. They really are filthy parasites and a blemish on not only the planet but the whole Galaxy.

However, on my return last night to Stafford, the port that I arrived in was showing the French film 'Irreversible'.

Forumites, this film was a tour de force of horror and fascination, i wanted to cover my eyes but i could not tear them away...and i must say my endurance paid off as this remarkable film worked its way backwards past the atrocious acts of physical and sexual violence until the film contained more and more meaning and poignancy.

This is the reason i am compelled to write to you forumites of Stafford, for this film has stayed with me these past 24 hours. I awoke this morning, to realise that the 'Tenia' (the perpetrator of the most brutal act) was NOT actually the man who recieved repeated blows to his face by Pierre, until his head was mass of blood, brain, flesh and bones with a fire extinguisher. On watching it i had thought that justice in some way had been served.

My stomach turned.

May the force be with you forumites. And may i say that the forum has come on in leaps and bounds since my last visit. I particularly like the tee shirts.

Perhaps i may be permitted to make my own suggestion;

"A long time ago,
in a galaxy far far away,

Adieu. Obi Wan.


wait - have you really just revealed the ending for anyone who hasn't seen it?? :strange:

you're right though, this film is not for the weak-stomached.. it really is relentless and brutal.. defo not everyone's cup of tea!


Wasps - feel my wrath!
sounds like quality viewing to me !

and must say do like the idea of the T perhaps with a wording change like

a little bit up from J whatever
down the A whatever
round the corner
over the roundabout
past Argos

obviously starting big and ending little as per the start of t'star wars movies . Think t has possibilities


Why has Obi Wan been away I ask myself carefully - There are many answers to this I think and perhaps not the best move to pursue it . So nice to see such an esteemed character on here is as much as I'm going to say .

abientot troops

Augustus Gloop

Well-Known Forumite
It's a dreadful film.

Gaspar Noe attempted to justify the confusion surrounding the point of the film by claiming he made it as an attempt to document cinema violence and trying to provoke an extreme reaction in the audience. On the defensive there methinks...

Pretentious twaddle. One of the worst films I've had the misfortune of seeing. Oh, and the moment with the fire extinguisher was appalling and the less said about 'that' scene you mention Obi the better.

If you want to see a decent film that comments on violence, be it in society or otherwise, I would recommend Michael Haneke's Funny Games. Man Bites Dog isn't far behind either.

Obi Wan Kenobi

Active Member

I appreciate your bold and enlivened opinions, as this site is a forum for discussion and debate - your response was refreshing and uncensored.

However, the fire extinguisher scene; it reminded me of a battle i once fought in the outer nether regions of the galaxy in a city called Assandra on the planet Aeeq. Myself and Quai Gon had been posted there to rid the city of an influx of Chysalide, the chrysalide (also known as the "chrysalis beast") was a type of rancor altered by Sith Alchemy, possessing two four-fingered claws and two three-toed feet. Their teeth could chew through X-1 Viper armor. Incidentally Emperor Palpatine kept some as pets at the Imperial Citadel at Byss, where they would attack on his command.

Excuse me I digress, a failed asassination attempt on one of the local business men in the city meant both Quai and I had to step into action more quickly than anticipated. We were drawn into a fight with one of these Chrysalide who somehow managed to disarm both of us of our light sabres.

In a remarkable coincidence relating to 'that' scene, the only weapon that came to hand was Galaxial Fire Extinguieee. What you would call an Extinguisher.

I was forced to batter the Chrysalide in his cranium with the said item, I did so repeatedly and the sight was horrific, the memory of it makes me still shiver now.

Quai Gon surprised me that day, he found the whole idea of a Jedi using such a primitive weapon in a battle hilarious, in fact he ribbed me about the incident for many years to come. He was such humourous soul, I often wonder about him still. When we were youn....


Augustus Gloop said:
One of the worst films I've had the misfortune of seeing.
I have to echo ("three to echo base") Augus' view here. I saw this film many moons ago, in a galaxy, far, far away. And that's where it should stay - far far away. It is atrocious. The main argument for the films existence was that it was an anti-violence demonstration. Well, I'm afraid they wasted their effort because it is just preaching to the choir. The good people out there who watch it and already find violence wrong, still will, and will come away depressed.

For once in my life I was sickened. I could not stomach the sub-way scene, even when keeping with Obi's slant, and trying to imagine Jar Jar Binks' head superimposed over the rape victim's. But it was to no avail. For the first time in my life, after reaching for the remote and skipping forward entire chapters, I turned a film off in disgust.

In summary...Not one to watch when the in-laws are around to visit, and as Johnny Vaughn in the Sun might say = 2 thumbs down, and NO dog heads!