Free! (ish!) Network duplex laser printer


wanna see my snake?
Need to pay postage of nearly £20 now, as you must have it invoiced before the 30th and free delivery may not arrive til next week :(

I was about to order another, but not sure now. Means I'd need to sell the second to recoup my losses, but who'd buy it without a toner? May just leave it.


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
I bought myself a Dell colour laser printer when eBuyer had it reduced from around £170 to £59, and got free delivery too. It's been bloody awesome!! Plus the toners are on eBay at £29 a full set of 4. Not as economical as my previous continuous inkjet system, but far less hassle keeping the thing printing sharp. :)


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
Ah I see why now. It's an "older technology" laser. The toners have a built in imaging unit which massively increases the cost. My colour one is an LED laser which has no imaging drum to replace - hence the toners are literally just cassettes of toner and why I can get them for under a tenner each.
Still a good deal for free(ish), but if anyone else is considering one check out those replacement toner prices first


wanna see my snake?
It has a 7000 (alleged) page toner, that will last me 7 years at least!

EDIT: But WMR does have a point, the toner for these is something like £100! I've ordered 2 so I have a spare toner, and a spare printer!


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
That will be based upon 5% page coverage - in basic terms a letter. There are programs that analyse toner coverage of a document available online mate, and it can quickly make you see that 7000 can soon become 1000 actual pages (unless of course you only print letters)

I shat myself when I got through a full set of 4 colour toners printing just 300 leaflets (my toners are quoted at around 2000 pages each). When I analysed the leaflet I was printing, it totalled 367% toner coverage. Obviously that's due to a certain percentage of each colour, but even with a mono laser I bet you will frequently print stuff out that has a 30% or more toner coverage.

Getting away from all that negativity though, I wouldn't be without it now. They just keep on rolling out the prints and never give you the jip that most inkjets do. I just try to keep it for essential printing now, paperwork / invoices / kids homework etc. If I need leaflets I order them in as it's far cheaper anyway for large quantities.


wanna see my snake?
Mine will be strict text only, TBH it will be letters! Like I said, it will be used very sparingly. I probably feel the need to print something private rather than work related maybe once a month. I wouldn't even consider ordering this if it wasn't free in a roundabout sort of way and I had spare credit available on a 0% credit card.


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
Is the 7,000 toner included? Usually the supplied ones have a lower page yield as they are more of a starter jobby