LPG is it any good ?


I'm no gynaecologist...
I can see the benefits of getting a car to run on LPG (cost of fuel etc), and i have found some places that can "convert my ride.com" of course.

I spoke to the nice man in the garage (FMS motors to be exact) and he tells me that LPG is a super hot/super clean burning fuel and can eventually damage the engine because it is so hot and so clean.

My question thrown out like a thought frisbee into the wilderness is.......Is LPG any good?

does anyone actually know ?

thanks for reading Markerat


i believe there's an LGB society at the uni, not sure if you have to be a student to join though.. does Tori know you're into that sort of thing?

oh sorry, you said LPG! my mistake :teef:

Markerat said:
I spoke to the nice man in the garage (FMS motors to be exact)
excellent garage :up:

Astro Boy

Pocket Rocket
wikipedia said:
There are two downsides. Firstly it has a lower energy density than either petrol or diesel, so the equivalent fuel consumption is higher, but since many governments impose less tax, it is still usually more cost effective. Secondly, some designs of internal combustion engine require the lubrication of petrol or diesel with lead or lead substitute, and LPG's lack thereof can damage valves or shorten their life. Engines designed for unleaded fuel, equipped with hardened valve seats, are suitable for use with LPG without added upper cylinder lubrication.
full article

Unfortunately in our quest for cheeper fuel we could very well be undermining a far more important resource than the ability to travel cost effectively. In a time when we need to be reducing fuel consumption it seems a little off to use a fuel that burns more quickly. Plus LPG sounds like a short term solution to your problem - pay more for your fuel now or pay for increased maintenance and perhaps an entire new engine in the future?

A sure way of reducing your fuel bill is driving less. A bit rubbish I know, especially if you run a business dependent on vehicles. We've had it good....................., what now?


Well-Known Forumite
jchiltz said:
A sure way of reducing your fuel bill is driving less. A bit rubbish I know, especially if you run a business dependent on vehicles. We've had it good....................., what now?
Or stop invading oil producing countries ;)


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
I had an old G reg vauxhall astra that was LPG converted a couple of years ago. It had a HUGE tank that filled the boot (un-necessary though as you can get donut ones that go in the spare wheel well), and we bought the gas from a place at Gailey nr Penkridge for just 29p per litre!!
Filled the tank, went to blackpool & back, filled the tank again to see what we'd used.... £6.50. LOVED IT!!

Cars run quite sweet on it, better for your engine, better for your wallet etc. The average driver recoups the cost of the conversion within 1 to 2 years, so as long as you have a reliable motor I suppose its worth it. It all depends how quickly the government hike up the tax on it (no doubt they will)

If I could find somewhere that does a £500 conversion I'd have it done to the car I have now. I miss it BADLY.

Now the important bit!!!!!!!!!!!! If you buy a car thats converted be sure it has a certificate! mine was an illegal conversion in that the back of the filler vented INSIDE the boot (should be mounted where there's nout but fresh air behind the panel. Yes, you've guessed it - on a hot summers day, my overfilled tank (no safety mech fitted) decided to vent itself into my boot.... the smell nearly knocked me out when I opened the boot. I ran around like a headless chicken trying to stop anyone from driving to close, smoking etc etc. I PROPER SHIT MYSELF!
Don't let that put you off though, mine was a very dodgy conversion hence the fact that the entire car only cost me about 300 quid!


Is that a Moomin?
I will inform Markerat of your suggestions since he started going Uni he has no time for forums :P just pot noodles and lumberjack shirts