New rehearsal space in Stafford


How do I edit this?
The musicians are likely to be interested in this: someone left a load of flyers for a new rehearsal studio called the pad in work, opening in April apparently.

The Pad

I'd be interested if anyone know's where it actually is - the website just says '1 mile from town centre' which could be just about anywhere in Stafford really. Looks like they've got a lot of nice gear but they're a touch on the steep side price-wise (£15 an hour or £40 for three is a fair whack more than Tower in Stone our currently closest reheasal space), and do you really need nice gear to practice? Still generally it can only be good news....


Forum O. G.
Goldilox said:
I've fixed it now. My finger must have slipped and given it too many w's.
If I didn't know what you meant I might think this was some very unsavoury street slang.

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
Goldilox said:
I'd be interested if anyone know's where it actually is - the website just says '1 mile from town centre' which could be just about anywhere in Stafford really.
I picked up a leaflet for this in Joxer's last week purely out of interest. Just looked at the website and there's a message posted by co-founder Andrew McKinney on the homepage saying:

"Most probable location is astonfields ind estate but we are trying to get the lowest rent possible so we can charge the lowest hourly rate possible. We currently have 3 sites we're negotiating on, all within a mile or in Stafford town centre."


Ashley Blake
Hi everyone, My name is Ashley Blake and Andrew and I will be the owners of 'The Pad Stafford'. I thought I would register and just put some myths and speculation to rest. The Pad will be based on the Astonfields Industrial Estate, and contracts permitting we should be on target for our opening date in April.

We have have been really pleased with the buzz The Pad has created and hope that we will see many of you there!

The equipment we are buying/have bought has been very carefully thought through. Many rehearsal rooms often buy the cheapest possible equipment, this means it is liable to breakdown easily or quite simply just give you a naff sound. In my experience of playing in 30 - 40 rehearsal rooms, the last thing I want is to hear a rubbish sound after all rehearsals are meant to help you improve and give you a gauge of improvement.

We may be slightly more expensive than other studio's out there, but our service will be second to none, superb equipment and right on your doorstep!

I'm very excited about the whole project and can't wait to see you all, register for the opening offers at WWW.THEPADSTAFFORD.COM

Many thanks


Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
Hey Ash....welcome to the Forum...our 600TH USER!!!

The place sounds great. It's just a shame that I cannot play a musical instrument and therefore can't come along and play with all the kit!

I take it you're not the same Ashley Blake who does stuff on The One Show etc...I know he has his fingers in a few pies (a bar somewhere in Brum...other stuff...), but for the same chap to be opening a recording studio in the 'Ford would be a bit unexpected!


Ashley Blake
Unfortuantely I do not have the huge bank account of 'Ashley Blake' off of the One Show!

The Pad will be providing Tuition for Piano/Keys, Drums & Guitar so even 100% novices can take advantage of the facilities.

Our aim is to try and get live music around the town back into the Stafford mindset, so we hope to be seeking new talent and promoting this in colaboration with a venue in Stafford and really getting Live Music appreciated again.

We've submitted our offer on the premesis so we are purely waiting for the go ahead!