Post your Googlewhack!!


You knows it
dirtybobby said:
BBC said:
salaciously scrunchies

overusing the "scrunchies" motif there, splew ;)
Thats my word Clart. Once you get a good word you stick to it. Ask the scrunchmeister. Salaciously is coming up with some good returns too. May explore this a bit more.


the problem is, there are loads of wordlists and dictionaries (in the computing term, not an online dictionary like online now, which are rendering "false" results..

like "salaciously coccyges" generates 79 results, but they are all in wordlists :grr:


You knows it
forgot to say also. The website found cannot be a word list website. If you get a whack and your in doubt whether it is bonafide or not you will have to verify it on the googlewhack website...


MeengweZ said:

it renders two results, and "cantelope" isn't a valid word, so it doesn't even nearly fit the googlewhack criteria..

if you look at the "Results..." in the blue bar, top right hand corner; both words have to be highlighted in blue for it to be a valid googlewhack.. see my "wisened coccyges" on the previous page..

alas, i'm going to be too busy today to muck about on here :grr:


Huge _Man_52
Hang on - we could use the times from our post. the closet to a time, agreed by both parties, would be the winner of the duel. We would need graphics, balloons and a couple of models to present the trophy but the theory is sound.