Slightly further afield, well some of it ;)


(and me! - Ed)
'Glorious Gardens', BBC 1 15.40. Watched it at the time, and have since watched it with my mum! Fantastic! Biddulph Grange, Shugborough (not too far :shifty:), National Arboretum, Alrewas, all in Staffordshire, and some good coverage for the County; in a programme based around view's from a hot air balloon; looking at the gardens and the plants. More TV coverage for the giant Yew Tree at Shugborough, and the locals joining hands to circle it, 160+!
Highly recommended, if you have the facility to watch programs back, loved it that much I may watch it again! Virgin Catch-up, so have to get it in before next Tues'! :xd: