What is going on with Peel Terrace??

I am confused. There was a stabbing on Peel Terrace last week, that (as far as I know) continued into or around the Tap and Spile. And yet there's nothing in the news anywhere.

I've heard a lot of gossip and am interested to know why it's not been on the news at all...

New to this forum so hope it's ok that I posted a new topic :)



beffy_muse said:
I am confused. There was a stabbing on Peel Terrace last week, that (as far as I know) continued into or around the Tap and Spile. And yet there's nothing in the news anywhere.

I've heard a lot of gossip and am interested to know why it's not been on the news at all...

New to this forum so hope it's ok that I posted a new topic :)

welcome to the forum, beffy :D:up:

this is the first i've heard of it.. if it's true, i'm as shocked as you to have not seen it in any papers!
Well I know lots of people livin around there. There was a police helicopter... And blood all along the path up the front door of the house and all outside the pub. Obviously they have cleaned it now but can't have been well enough because my dog went loopy trying to smell it!

Is there a way to find out who everyone is on here? Cause I've a feeling I will know a lot of people, but not by their login names :)


Well-Known Forumite
Not directly - see here.

Welcome to the forum though! You can PM people if you suspect you might know them - its a bit like who's who?!

My friend who lives on peel terrace heard the comotion and witnessed what appeared to be two men and a woman beating another woman who was on the floor. I emphasize appeared as it was dark and she wasn't that close.

I too am amazed this has not made the local rag though, would like to find out whats going on. Thats (possibly) the second stabbing in 4 months or so (rising brook) - I think I might move to eccleshall after all!
LoL why would you move to Eccleshall, the petrol costs so much and you can't get a phone signal!! Hehe. Yeah well to be fair everyone seems to have a different idea or version of what happened, I wonder if we'll ever know or if it will remain a mistery!!

Ah right so I just have to guess who is who?? :-S

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
I've defo seen this story in the E&S....was chatting to someone about it t'other day.

edit: In fact i'm almost certain it was on the front page of the E&S....will have a look about.


wanna see my snake?
A friend moved in last week, and this happened almost outside her door on her first night there!

She seemed to think it was one of the people from the flats next door, and by all accounts from other locals they make a lot of noise so may have been over that. She also heard screaming from what sounded like next door, but may have been outside.

Regardless, according to the paper a fight broke out in the street and a man was stabbed, he made it into the tap where people tried to help him. Another man ran in with a knife and tried to have another go, police arrested both of them. Didn't sound too badly wounded, but who knows.
Oh right, good to hear he wasn't too badly wounded, from the amount of blood I assumed the worst to be honest... It was the house with the windchimes? (Which are now gone - thankfully)

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
beffy_muse said:
It doesn't appear to be on the E and S website?
Nah I just looked there too...but i'm 100% certain as the E&S is delivered to the Railway Inn every day, and that's what sparked the conversation only yesterday.

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
I doubt it's still in the shops but I've just spoken to my friendly local landlord and he still has the copy we were reading...will take a pic of the story and post a bit later.


Andreas Rex said:
beffy_muse said:
It doesn't appear to be on the E and S website?
Nah I just looked there too...but i'm 100% certain as the E&S is delivered to the Railway Inn every day
are there 2 versions of the E&S - the daily one, and the weekly stafford one? if so, are you lot possibly getting your editions confused?

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
dirtybobby said:
Andreas Rex said:
beffy_muse said:
It doesn't appear to be on the E and S website?
Nah I just looked there too...but i'm 100% certain as the E&S is delivered to the Railway Inn every day
are there 2 versions of the E&S - the daily one, and the weekly stafford one? if so, are you lot possibly getting your editions confused?
Hmm...no idea. Like I said the Railway gets it delivered every day, however the free one I get delivered on a Wed and Thurs is defo the same edition as the one they get on a Wed and Thurs.


Andreas Rex said:
dirtybobby said:
are there 2 versions of the E&S - the daily one, and the weekly stafford one? if so, are you lot possibly getting your editions confused?
Hmm...no idea. Like I said the Railway gets it delivered every day, however the free one I get delivered on a Wed and Thurs is defo the same edition as the one they get on a Wed and Thurs.
ah right, that's what i wasn't sure of..


A few posts under my belt
There was a piece in the E&S on Tuesday I think saying the cops were still appealing for witnesses and quoting the landlord who IIRC said that everyone locked themselves in the kitchen til the cops arrived...

Andreas Rex

Banned for smiling
First story was on the front of the E&S on Friday 3rd....


2nd story was on Tuesday 7th....


Sorry about the shoddy pics!

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
The Express and Star last year had 7 reporters in its Stafford office. Today it has one

The local press call up the 3 emergency services press offices on a regular basis and this is where most of the stories such as this arise

The Express and Star is planning further staff cuts in the near future. This could mean that the edition will be 'written' from its head office in Wolverhampton

The Sentinel is now a morning paper and rarely staffs its own office in town beyond an occasional court reporter.

The 'Newsletter' has also had to cut staff

Newspapers also rely on 'tip offs' from the public and as not all 'incidents' attended by the police are passed on to the media you can promt a press enquiry this way

Radio Stoke also have a website which sometimes has Stafford stories on it.

The Express and Star website has a very limited number of stories on it

The Sentinel, at the moment, chooses to publish a greater amount of stories on its website but few are 'local'