Wombourne Spar robbery


Well-Known Forumite
My poor son in law to be was held up by robbers wielding hammers this morning at the Spar where he works. It happened just after 7am this morning as they opened up. The robbers manhandled him and took his phone before locking him and the other 2 employees in the alcohol storage cupboard. They then took the money from the safe and tills and 6k worth of cigarettes.
No one was hurt luckily but they were all very badly shaken. I doubt the phone will ever be recovered but I hope those responsible get caught. Poor lad is dreading going back to work now :(


Forum O. G.

Are the cops in possession of the IMEI number for the phone? If they're daft enough to use it (as these types often are), it could come in handy...


Forum O. G.
They may well have just removed it to avoid an alerting call, but they can also be startlingly thick.

If they've bothered to turn it off*, rather than just chuck it away, then they, or some associated person, may well still have it...

* assuming it was on when it was taken.

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
Is this the Netherlands Spar or the Blakemore Willenhall Spar?

He needs to get back on the bike asap at it were

If it's a decent company they will have a support system in place


Well-Known Forumite
I think they are owned by Blakemores. He is off tomorrow anyway but is due in Tuesday.