Recent content by Wolfenrook

  1. W


    Going to say goodbye now, although I doubt any of you will miss me particularly. 3 reasons really. 1) We now live in Wolverhampton, and I feel no real ties to Stafford. I was born in S-O-T and raised in Yarnfield. 2) Tha lack of moderation on here, both from the 'moderators' and by many...
  2. W

    Illiterate school-leavers and workless households are destabilising UK economy

    Money and land are pretty much one and the same Tek a lot of the time, effectively. I for one however don't really fancy going back to serfdom. lol I also have seen with my own eyes that all communism does is to put another very small minority in charge of the wealth. Whether that wealth is...
  3. W

    The Post House in Stafford

    There is the thing Hothouse, there are some lovely venues where you can dress up etc, without paying quite as much. For some people however, they seem to think that 'fine dining' and high prices are one and the same. I just don't agree with this, you don't have to go to places like the...
  4. W

    The Post House in Stafford

    Seriously DB, give posting on topic, rather than just trolling people and launching personal attacks. Then again, that would require some thought, rather than just posting stupid images.....
  5. W

    Bring Burger King to Stafford

    Oh look another worthless troll post by DB. If you are going to post, try adding something to the topic for a change. You never know, you might enjoy it. Ade
  6. W

    Bring Burger King to Stafford

    If you are going to correct somebodies spelling, make sure you are correct first else you come out looking like a douche:- Ade
  7. W

    Samsung S3 - Best contracts?

    Try to test 3 with a different handset Tek, as signal is VERY handset dependant. Heck I always got a weaker signal on my old Samsung none Android touch screen phone, but my Ace gets a fantastic signal. I always go 3, they give the best deals for data of any network from what I have seen...
  8. W

    Illiterate school-leavers and workless households are destabilising UK economy

    The "factories gone" is a figure of speech bud, compare how much we produce here in the UK to say even the 1960s and 70s, and you will see there has been a HUGE drop off, and a huge increase in imports from places like China, India etc where they don't have to pay decent wages. Heck, our GNP...
  9. W

    The Post House in Stafford

    First of all, I am perfectly entitled to express an opinion, just as you are. It is hardly like I am actively causing them to fail in stating this opinion. As to people chosing to pay this, heh that's their choice, so long as they then don't complain about paying their taxes blah blah...
  10. W

    Bring Burger King to Stafford That was news in 2006. lol My Galaxy Ace is on 3. I've only ever found 2 places where I couldn't get a signal. One was in a dip in the middle of the Wyre forest (back to full signal once we came out of the dip), the other was in my parent's old house...
  11. W

    Mobile 'phone sat' nav's

    Samsung Galaxy Ace here, so my sat nave uses google maps. lol Works a treat, saved a lot of getting lost many a time. The only thing I will say is that if you do 80 in the outside lane of a motorway when it's just told you the turn off is in 1/4 of a mile, then expect it to tell you "turn...
  12. W

    Saying goodbye

    Sorry you got driven off WMR, but can't say I blame you. I just hope that my opinionated self did not influence your decision. ;) Good luck bud. Ade
  13. W

    Supermarket 'promotion' prices - Are they for real?

    Invitation to treat. Sainsbury's - Pringles on bogof, £3 a tin. Asda - Pringles - £1.50 a tin... Shop in Sainsbury's, you MIGHT get a voucher giving you £2.45 off your next shop (note, your next shop in SAINSBURY'S, who just told you they aren't the cheapest on that voucher...)to price...
  14. W

    Illiterate school-leavers and workless households are destabilising UK economy

    What came first:- The chicken or the egg? The lazy assed parent or the illiterate child? Who is to blame for our nations problems? We are, all of us. Do I believe that the welfare state is to blame? No, I don't. I don't believe this because from personal experience I have found that...
  15. W

    Illiterate school-leavers and workless households are destabilising UK economy

    Nobody actually suggested that Tek. What was said was maybe some kids are starting too soon, that parents need to try to take a larger role in educating their children (if thick as pig.... you can still attend meetings at the school etc) and most importantly that eduction needs to be child...