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    Oust Bill "stash the" Cash MP

    That's hilarious.
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    Oust Bill "stash the" Cash MP

    John, no offence but if the avatar is you, you do look frighteningly like Bill Cash in a very unconvincing disguise. Please say you are Bill Cash.
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    Oust Bill "stash the" Cash MP

    Fantastic coverage of the scandal in the Newsletter today. Let's hope Stone constituents get the public meeting with Mr Cash that they deserve.
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    Oust Bill "stash the" Cash MP

    Just to prove I don't have a thing just for David Kidney, I've set up a Facebook group titled Oust Bill "stash the" Cash MP. Basically it's calling for Mr Cash to step down following revelations about him claiming expenses to pay rent to his daughter. If you'd like to add your voice to the...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Lunar, if the first four inquiries hadn't been rigged in favour of the government, there wouldn't be calls for another one. The government is wasting money, not those who expect the democratic process to be clean.
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    I've got an update on Mr Kidney's stance on Iraq. Here's his response in full to an email I sent him, asking what he would be doing to ensure the Iraq inquiry would cover every aspect of the war. He said: "You are right to focus on the terms of reference for the inquiry. After all, there have...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Hi GK Thanks for the weblinks. Yes, I would be interested to know what Mr Kidney makes of the government's U-turn on expenses being exempted from FOI Act. Have you read Peter Oborne's The Triumph of the Political Class? Mr Kidney is the epitomy of this section of British society. Holding the...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Well, if we're both against ID cards, there's not much to debate. But I will indulge you anyway. The idea of the driving licence is to prove that you're qualified to operate a lethal machine and it incorporates a system whereby if you demonstrate dangerous behaviour society has a way to stop...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Well no. If I don't drive I'm not forced to possess a driving licence. All the 911 hijackers and London Tube bombers were operating on their own, genuine ID. So who exactly is the scheme aimed at?
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Besides, do you really trust this government to use ID cards for what it says they are going to be used for? It all goes back to Iraq. The reasons given for the war were lies. And there's more. The reasons Gordon Brown gave for backing out of an autumn 2007 election were lies. And Mr Kidney...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    tek-monkey "Do you drive? Cos thats an ID card right there." Yes I do, but I choose to do that. I still have an old style driving licence and I aint about to change it. The government is saying that I don't have a choice on ID cards. I'm saying that is unacceptable. If you're happy to go...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Fine, then if David Kidney succeeds in forcing me to possess an ID card (which by the way I will take to one of his surgeries and set on fire or cut up in front of invited media) then the only details I will permit the state to keep on said card will be first name and gender. One rule for them...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    GK Thanks for that. Could this develop into a longterm holding-David Kidney-(or any local MP)-to-account thread? I hope so. No one in the local media really pushes him. It's nothing personal, David. It's just that you're a politician and you're accountable to us, like it or not. What I'd like...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Thank you, Markerat. We and our politicians need to have this debate: is projecting military power overseas to secure and protect mineral resources a sensible foreign policy? Is it inflaming extremism? Who exactly is benefiting from it - oil companies or motorists or both? Do the problems...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    tek-monkey, GK You both say that we are incapable of knowing what really went on in Iraq. To me that is a very good case for a full inquiry into the war. A lot of lives have been lost in (and outside of) Iraq as a result of the invasion. That is a statement of fact. Please tell me how...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Ah GK, you're back, with nothing to add but insults. Fair enough. You say more about yourself than you do of me. Can you explain how using whatever peaceful means possible to pressure (as is our right in a parliamentary democracy) an elected representative into answering for his actions...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Yep, we've hit the one month mark on my appeal to Stafford MP David Kidney to explain himself on Stafford Forum for his voting behaviour and apathy towards holding the government to account on Iraq. Sure, people will say he's a busy man. But I say that's rubbish. Iraq is a topic he knows he...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    It's exactly a week since I opened this thread and still no response from David Kidney. He doesn't want to talk about Iraq. He hopes it will go away and we'll go into the next election starting at year zero with Iraq erased from everyone's memory. If I'm wrong, then why isn't he making a lot of...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    gk Pay attention. I said the reality on the ground in Iraq is very much different to the picture of victory the establishment wants you to see. Go to Channel 4's website and watch Dispatches. Stop swallowing the lies. I am not complaining about us leaving Iraq. Labour is on a damage limitation...
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    How David Kidney voted on Iraq

    Yep, it's now two and a half days since I emailed David Kidney about Iraq. Sure he's a busy man. But it seems obvious: for Labour it's a case of don't mention the war. This is because if they're petrified of it becoming, as it should, a major election issue. The publice has given Mr Kidney and...