Bargain boast.


Forum O. G.
For the last decade, I have had a pair of Screwfix's cheapest generic boots in practically daily use. The are surprisingly comfortable and I might source another pair at some point, but I've finally had to admit that the end has pretty much arrived, especially for the right one, as you can see.


The collapse has accelerated in recent days. On the way to the car for today's Lidl run, I found another piece of the steel anti-penetration insole on the path, so, seeing some boots in the Middle Aisle that were the right size and not-too-gaudy, I bought them, although I may source some more of the Screwfix ones, if I can.

The left-hand boot has a small flap of leather glued back over the toecap, this is a relic from a close encounter with a chainsaw, so I used to like to wear them when sawing, to continually remind myself of the potential...

The Screwfix ones have a double-injected sole, a foam core with a 'solid' outer. This added to the comfort, but, after the outer wore through in places, they became difficult in wet conditions, as the foam would suck water off the floor and then pump it in various, not always convenient, directions. The new ones feel solid rubber, but time will tell how they evolve in use.


Forum O. G.
I mentioned this tray some years ago, but it proved its worth during my stays in the Shed and subsequently, so I got round to smartening it up a bit lately.

It can be used as a 'standard' tray, of course.


But, with the handle raised and locked in place, it can be safely carried one-handed, leaving the other hand free for opening doors, etc.


Even vessels filled with liquids can be carried quite safely in this manner.

Only a couple of quid from the KH shop - definitely worth it.

I've also mentioned this scraper before. I got it from the boot sale, largely for the 'amusing' slogan on it "Cutlers to Her Majesty" - imagining her downing a bottle of gin after having finally finished repapering Buck House - but, it has been extremely useful - it would be a rare day that I don't use it for something. And, it is a superb piece of steel, with a rather nice handle - a mere quid, I think.



Well-Known Forumite
Ninja air fryer from Asda Cannock for £85. Also picked up a paddling pool for £10. Pretty happy with the air fryer as it appears it’s selling for £150 at Argos, Curry’s etc


250,000th poster!
If you shop in Sainsbury's & have a Nectar card....lots of Heinz products are now half price, till the 3rd September only...

Baked beans
Tomato sauce
BBQ sauce
Salad cream
Pasta sauces

If you don't have a Nectar card...there are some available near the entrance, or ask the lovely lady that's wandering around handing them out, it might be me it might not......


Mad Cat Woman
If you shop in Sainsbury's & have a Nectar card....lots of Heinz products are now half price, till the 3rd September only...

Baked beans
Tomato sauce
BBQ sauce
Salad cream
Pasta sauces

If you don't have a Nectar card...there are some available near the entrance, or ask the lovely lady that's wandering around handing them out, it might be me it might not......

And, if like me, you don't like talking to anyone, use your phone and do a Smart Shop!
Seriously, there are only 3 assistants I really like talking to in there, @littleme , the very Lovely Tina and Mad as a box of frogs Vicki. Rest can just sod off.


Well-Known Forumite
Needed a new costume , as mine is now too big with losing over 2 stone. Everywhere in town ( except sports direct who had some right crap looking ones) had sold out completely as summer is now over!

BUT.....Got the last remaining swimming costume in the store in Mountain Warehouse, and luckily was my size. Reduced from £30 to £6 . Bargain!


Forum O. G.
In the early 80s, I became aware that an outdoor store was selling off the last of what seemed to me to be very nearly the ideal winter jacket. Gore-Tex shell, Quallofil insulation, detachable hood and many other detail features that suited me perfectly. A phone call revealed that they did have the fairly rare version where the shell was polycotton, rather than the more usual and noisier nylon shell and I agreed to order a 'medium' size. The bloke on the phone said that the sizes were very generous and a 'small' might well fit me better - this turned out to be correct and it fitted as though it was tailor-made for me.

It had three decades of hard use and began to wear out, so I rationed the use and eased off on the hardship that it got. For a long time, maybe 15 years now, I have had a search saved on eBay, looking for a 'new' one. It is a hard thing to search for, as they have re-used the name a few times and I wanted the specific fabric and size. I nearly gave in a bought a 'near miss' a few times and then, in May, the right one finally appeared.

It being the summer and not wanting to get involved in unnecessary import/export issues, I arranged for it to be sent to @Colossal, pending my return to the Big Island. I took possession of the coat last night and it, although described as 'used', is effectively new.

If this one lasts another thirty years, it will probably do...

Persistence pays off.


Forum O. G.
Another bargain has been under assessment tonight. I have four of these small Philips radio/CD devices, one in Stafford and three in Ireland, one in the shed, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. They are generally used for the radio and as amplifiers for the computer outputs.

They are conveniently small but reliable devices for what I want from them - and having the same remote control everywhere is a great benefit - no "hunting for buttons" all the time.

In June, whilst in Ireland, I spotted one for sale in Burton, in a second-hand shop's eBay listing. It had one base unit, plus two remote controls and four of the bookshelf speakers. It started at £5 and so I kept an eye on it and ended up getting it all for that - but, it needed picking up, so I got a friend* in Burton to collect it and the transfer to me finally occurred in the Burston Greyhound car park on Friday.

A quick test just now has revealed that it all seems to largely work OK, although a little clean of the contacts of one of the remotes would help.

A great result and I can now have another set-up in another room that will be brought into better use.

My eBay search brought up another item today - someone is offering the appropriate instruction booklet starting at £5 - even though you can find the text easily online.

I think I got the better deal.

* @Colossal's sister-in-law.


Enjoying a drop of red.
Another bargain has been under assessment tonight. I have four of these small Philips radio/CD devices, one in Stafford and three in Ireland, one in the shed, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. They are generally used for the radio and as amplifiers for the computer outputs.

They are conveniently small but reliable devices for what I want from them - and having the same remote control everywhere is a great benefit - no "hunting for buttons" all the time.

In June, whilst in Ireland, I spotted one for sale in Burton, in a second-hand shop's eBay listing. It had one base unit, plus two remote controls and four of the bookshelf speakers. It started at £5 and so I kept an eye on it and ended up getting it all for that - but, it needed picking up, so I got a friend* in Burton to collect it and the transfer to me finally occurred in the Burston Greyhound car park on Friday.

A quick test just now has revealed that it all seems to largely work OK, although a little clean of the contacts of one of the remotes would help.

A great result and I can now have another set-up in another room that will be brought into better use.

My eBay search brought up another item today - someone is offering the appropriate instruction booklet starting at £5 - even though you can find the text easily online.

I think I got the better deal.

* @Colossal's sister-in-law.
Ooh. I have one of them in the garage.


Forum O. G.
Ooh. I have one of them in the garage.
The volume control knob and the CD player will become unreliable sometimes, but I don't use the CD and the remote will control the volume reliably.

The one in the Shed is currently driving a pair of Celestions under the desk, but they may move into the house, now that I have a spare shelf pair. The storage above the desk will be rearranged in the winter and the speakers can go up there then.

Bench 24.JPG


250,000th poster!
Another bargain has been under assessment tonight. I have four of these small Philips radio/CD devices, one in Stafford and three in Ireland, one in the shed, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. They are generally used for the radio and as amplifiers for the computer outputs.

They are conveniently small but reliable devices for what I want from them - and having the same remote control everywhere is a great benefit - no "hunting for buttons" all the time.

In June, whilst in Ireland, I spotted one for sale in Burton, in a second-hand shop's eBay listing. It had one base unit, plus two remote controls and four of the bookshelf speakers. It started at £5 and so I kept an eye on it and ended up getting it all for that - but, it needed picking up, so I got a friend* in Burton to collect it and the transfer to me finally occurred in the Burston Greyhound car park on Friday.

A quick test just now has revealed that it all seems to largely work OK, although a little clean of the contacts of one of the remotes would help.

A great result and I can now have another set-up in another room that will be brought into better use.

My eBay search brought up another item today - someone is offering the appropriate instruction booklet starting at £5 - even though you can find the text easily online.

I think I got the better deal.

* @Colossal's sister-in-law.
I have bought some 'used' things on eBay bidding system recently.... I'm hugely surprised that the items (nearly £200 each) I bought were actual unused items, never unboxed, and didnt arrive as Brick's in boxs.... my faith in humanity is restored & there are some lovely people out there.


Enjoying a drop of red.
The volume control knob and the CD player will become unreliable sometimes, but I don't use the CD and the remote will control the volume reliably.

The one in the Shed is currently driving a pair of Celestions under the desk, but they may move into the house, now that I have a spare shelf pair. The storage above the desk will be rearranged in the winter and the speakers can go up there then.

View attachment 14631
Mine has a bluetooth receiver plugged in to make Spotify a more melodious experience than it would otherwise be listening to it on the smartphone's speakers.


Forum O. G.
I have bought some 'used' things on eBay bidding system recently.... I'm hugely surprised that the items (nearly £200 each) I bought were actual unused items, never unboxed, and didnt arrive as Brick's in boxs.... my faith in humanity is restored & there are some lovely people out there.
When Dave Gorman's father left GEC for the second time, the management were so arsey about it that they wouldn't let there be a leaving do anywhere on site, not even in Stychfields Hall.

We had a whip-round and I went all round the town to buy appropriate stuff for gifts, spending it down to the last penny in the sweet shop by the chemist on Wolverhampton Road.

That evening the gifts were dispensed to him on the stage in the Polish Club. He was suitably amused by the string of stuff that appeared, until we got to the last item, a large printed box, hidden under a cloth, to hide its identity.

He had a reputation for buying things in threes - at the time he had three houses, three Lancia Gamma cars, etc. He had two Atari computers, in case one failed and had bought two of their hard discs, for the same reason.

We had saved the box from one of the company's Atari hard discs and placed a brick in it, very close to the size and weight of the real thing.

He was truly horrified when we gave it to him with "It'll be alright, nobody here'll tell 'em."


250,000th poster!
When Dave Gorman's father left GEC for the second time, the management were so arsey about it that they wouldn't let there be a leaving do anywhere on site, not even in Stychfields Hall.

We had a whip-round and I went all round the town to buy appropriate stuff for gifts, spending it down to the last penny in the sweet shop by the chemist on Wolverhampton Road.

That evening the gifts were dispensed to him on the stage in the Polish Club. He was suitably amused by the string of stuff that appeared, until we got to the last item, a large printed box, hidden under a cloth, to hide its identity.

He had a reputation for buying things in threes - at the time he had three houses, three Lancia Gamma cars, etc. He had two Atari computers, in case one failed and had bought two of their hard discs, for the same reason.

We had saved the box from one of the company's Atari hard discs and placed a brick in it, very close to the size and weight of the real thing.

He was truly horrified when we gave it to him with "It'll be alright, nobody here'll tell 'em."
My buys were nintendo switches...I accidentally bid on 2 & got both, neither had ever been used & I got them for way under the bidding price.... I really expected them to turn up broken or as bricks...

Both immaculate & un-used

All because I sold my switch after finishing Breath of the wild, & saying I wouldn't play another one...

Here I am, half way through Tears of the Kingdom


Well-Known Forumite
In Spain.
Best Bargain Boast, possibly ever, in a hyper market, they were selling off several aisles worth of stuff for €1, …. all sorts of stuff, incl wine, all €1

Husband absolutely refused to buy wine for €1 said it would be like vinegar.

I slipped a few bottles into the trolley, was absolutely lovely so we went back the next day to clear the shelf 😃🥂😂
