Bargain boast.


Forum O. G.
Husband absolutely refused to buy wine for €1 said it would be like vinegar.

Some years ago, I bought a bottle of the cheapest red wine in Lidl - South African, screw top and £2:99 - it would do me, whatever it was like.

It turned out to be the nicest wine that I've ever had. I went back the next day and bought all they had of it...


Nixon Garden Neatness
In Spain.
Best Bargain Boast, possibly ever, in a hyper market, they were selling off several aisles worth of stuff for €1, …. all sorts of stuff, incl wine, all €1

Husband absolutely refused to buy wine for €1 said it would be like vinegar.

I slipped a few bottles into the trolley, was absolutely lovely so we went back the next day to clear the shelf 😃🥂😂

View attachment 15516
love this - well done


Forum O. G.
I have ventured into the Big City for the first time in well over a year. One of my treats for going in there is to visit a shop which sells 'my sort of stuff', they will always have something for me and always at a good price.

This time, on my circuit round, I spotted that they had a Pick'n'Mix for nuts and bolts. Amongst the items available were these Tee Nuts, which the observant amongst you may have noticed being used on many projects in the Shed.

My stock has dwindled over the last few years and getting a few more seemed a good idea. They had them in M6, my preferred size, but also in M8, which may be useful at some point, so I grabbed a handful of each and weighed them in. Interestingly, the two handfuls weighed the same, to the gram.

But, more interesting was the resulting cost. At the current Screwfix prices, what I got today would be £27:10, but my entire haul cost just €1:90.

They're very handy things, strong and neat. they won't strip or pull through and it's an easy matter to sink them flush, where necessary.