Baswich Community Group.


Well-Known Forumite
It was a central government green grant thing that paid for it.There's never any money for roads, even though alleviating congestion on some pinch points would probably result in less pollution overall. Well until the next new housing estate is built to take advantage of the new and improved roads.
I can only assume you are on a massive wind up. We've literally just had a brand new and not totally necessary multi million pound road from Greyfriars to Sainsburys and the Newport Road


Well-Known Forumite
The point is the traffic is poor now. We need new roads and routes just to get us back to where things were a few decades ago. Adding new roads to then fill them all up again is just pointless. Plus a few new road around the outskirts of town do nothing to fix the problem which is the routes going into the town centre being congested. If you build houses way out of the centre then the roads into the centre get more congested. Especially on the South East of town where your options are. 1. Radford Bank/Lichfield Road. 2. Baswich Lane and then Weston Road. 3. Acton Hill to Wolverhampton Road. All three routes have major congestion issues.

This was Weeping Cross at 6.30pm yesterday. A queue from the mini roundabouts almost up to Hillcroft Avenue.

View attachment 13290
It's been proven over and over that new roads increase congestion. We will only solve congestion by using other forms of transport, public in the main alongside walking and cycling. Evidence and experience overseas has shown this repeatedly. Road building solves nothing

What would be helpful if the council would install the required alternative transport provision before allowing thousands of new houses to be built


Mad Cat Woman
Building homes and maximising the value of new roads is entirely right and proper. We are in a huge mess in this country because of a NIMBY attitude towards house building - from politicians and the public.

As for no money for roads…

Pans Road and associated Western Access Route is pretty seizable in terms of what it opens up and delivers.
I can only assume you are on a massive wind up. We've literally just had a brand new and not totally necessary multi million pound road from Greyfriars to Sainsburys and the Newport Road
I live right opposite Pans Drive, and whilst it was a pain in the arse being built, I can now honestly say I bloomin' love it. I get to work a lot quicker, way easier to walk to Lidl etc.
The only downside is the idiots that seem to think it's their personal race track. There are times when I wish I had a stinger, I'd certainly use it.


Well-Known Forumite
It's been proven over and over that new roads increase congestion. We will only solve congestion by using other forms of transport, public in the main alongside walking and cycling. Evidence and experience overseas has shown this repeatedly. Road building solves nothing

What would be helpful if the council would install the required alternative transport provision before allowing thousands of new houses to be built
Yes indeed.
It was proved in the mid 1930s that new roads increase traffic.
We will only solve congestion by using other forms of transport so Beeching devastated the rail network !


Well-Known Forumite
It’s (Pans Drive) certainly not pointless. Even ignoring the development opportunities it’ll allow, if you ever drove along Chell Road and Station Road before Pans Drive opened, you’d certainly notice the difference now. It is rarely slow moving now. The only issue that now needs resolving is either a change in the priority of the lights or a larger/longer third lane for turning traffic on the into Stafford side of Foregate St at the Halford lights.


Well-Known Forumite
It’s (Pans Drive) certainly not pointless. Even ignoring the development opportunities it’ll allow, if you ever drove along Chell Road and Station Road before Pans Drive opened, you’d certainly notice the difference now. It is rarely slow moving now. The only issue that now needs resolving is either a change in the priority of the lights or a larger/longer third lane for turning traffic on the into Stafford side of Foregate St at the Halford lights.
I don't believe anyone called it pointless?


Forum O. G.
There are times when I wish I had a stinger, I'd certainly use it.


Well-Known Forumite
I can only assume you are on a massive wind up. We've literally just had a brand new and not totally necessary multi million pound road from Greyfriars to Sainsburys and the Newport Road

Only because of the number housing developments on that side of town, Rugby club etc..



Enjoying a drop of red.
I live right opposite Pans Drive, and whilst it was a pain in the arse being built, I can now honestly say I bloomin' love it. I get to work a lot quicker, way easier to walk to Lidl etc.
The only downside is the idiots that seem to think it's their personal race track. There are times when I wish I had a stinger, I'd certainly use it.
But in fairness, you had the idiots before as well.


Mad Cat Woman
I live right opposite Pans Drive, and whilst it was a pain in the arse being built, I can now honestly say I bloomin' love it. I get to work a lot quicker, way easier to walk to Lidl etc.
The only downside is the idiots that seem to think it's their personal race track. There are times when I wish I had a stinger, I'd certainly use it.
But in fairness, you had the idiots before as well.
That is very true. Have you ever watched the Matt LeBlanc episode of Top Gear where he does doughnuts round the Cenotaph? Well imagine it's the roundabout outside here.
I watched a Sterling Moss* wannabe other night, come down the wrong side of the road from Lidl, and go tear arsing up the Doxey Road. Very lucky to have not hit anyone. Sadly I don't have eyesight that good to have got his number, or I would have.

*Sterling Moss because I can't spell shoemacker and don't like Lewis Hamilton.


Mad Cat Woman
Stirling Moss
Michael Schumacher

You got the person who you don’t like correct.

I couldn't spell Michaels surname, and to be honest, didn't want to Google it. :)
Just realised what you mean. Doh!! I'm poorly, got a blocked nose, sore swollen throat and a wrecking cough. And now i'm starting a headache.
Wonder if David Essex is free come rub some Vick on me chest?


Spouting nonsense since the day I learned to talk
I couldn't spell Michaels surname, and to be honest, didn't want to Google it. :)
Just realised what you mean. Doh!! I'm poorly, got a blocked nose, sore swollen throat and a wrecking cough. And now i'm starting a headache.
Wonder if David Essex is free come rub some Vick on me chest?
Hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Forumite
Reminder, Road Closure Bodmin Shops 1:30 - 6pm - Sat 3rd Dec
Community Christmas Fun Day 2:00-5:30
(Coop car park spaces closed opposite the Library)
Coop car park accessed from Bodmin Ave only
Library car park open & remains one way only.


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