

Active Member
Did anyone see the huge military/police convoy today? Beaconside around 1.00 ish?
supposedly transporting nuclear weapons, so many police cars and trucks, spare trucks, fire engine, breakdown trucks i lost count!

Theresa Green

Well-Known Forumite
Did anyone see the huge military/police convoy today? Beaconside around 1.00 ish?
supposedly transporting nuclear weapons, so many police cars and trucks, spare trucks, fire engine, breakdown trucks i lost count!
It’s a regular circus

The nuclear weapons were canvassing for votes at 16MU

And then they go off to somewhere secret that everyone knows about


Active Member
It’s a regular circus

The nuclear weapons were canvassing for votes at 16MU

And then they go off to somewhere secret that everyone knows about
is it? wow....i never saw it before. they ran straight into the traffic jam at Redhill roundabout! which split up the convoy a little. I wonder why they move them around by road? air would be quicker/easier?


Mad Cat Woman
Wasn't there a case about 30 years ago, maybe sooner. A load of protesters stopped a Nuclear convoy on the slip road behind Trinity Fields, on the way to the RAF camp?
Myself and the ex were so naive, didn't know the manoeuvre went on.


Well-Known Forumite
I mean who publishes the routes of their nuclear convoys to Terrorists. Is there a timetable of when best to attack as well lol


Forum O. G.
Wasn't there a case about 30 years ago, maybe sooner. A load of protesters stopped a Nuclear convoy on the slip road behind Trinity Fields, on the way to the RAF camp?
Myself and the ex were so naive, didn't know the manoeuvre went on.
They're regularly dragged the length of the country and back again, from Faslane to the Home Counties, for a squirt of WD40 by people who don't want to live up near Glasgow.

I mean who publishes the routes of their nuclear convoys to Terrorists. Is there a timetable of when best to attack as well lol
I surprised one coming out of Swynnerton once. They also surprised me. I was driving a hand-painted, green 2CV with a big hole in the exhaust.
There was considerable consternation amongst those entrusted with the security of this convoy, but I roared through the centre of it before they could take any action against what must have looked like a potential tree-hugger Kamikaze attack.


Well-Known Forumite
Ahhh you shouldn't protest about nukes. They may well be the only way we prevent a climate catastrophe !!! (albeit, we'll just be exchanging one catastrophe for another ... but one has to maintain standards.) :tumbleweed:


Well-Known Forumite
Ahhh you shouldn't protest about nukes. They may well be the only way we prevent a climate catastrophe !!! (albeit, we'll just be exchanging one catastrophe for another ... but one has to maintain standards.) :tumbleweed:
Nothing wrong with a bit of "instant sunshine" you will be grateful for in the coming winter months

The Hawk

Well-Known Forumite
Wasn't there a case about 30 years ago, maybe sooner. A load of protesters stopped a Nuclear convoy on the slip road behind Trinity Fields, on the way to the RAF camp?
Myself and the ex were so naive, didn't know the manoeuvre went on.
Yes there was, I knew some of the protesters.


Well-Known Forumite
In 1971 serving on the general cargo ship 'MV Weybank' we loaded all around the East Coast of the US bound for New Zealand. Passing through Panama we began the long plod across the Pacific for Kiwi.

One day I took some navigation warnings about a French nuclear test on one of the French Polynesian islands, with a fairly detailed description of a huge area of ocean to be avoided. Although we were some way south of this area, the Old Man decided to set a more southerly course anyway with the comment: 'The further away we are from those f****** things the better.' (There had been some pretty severe under-estimations of bomb yields during the Pacific testing in the 50's and 60's, including the USA's Castle Bravo test where 5 Megatons became 15 Megatons due to an unforeseen reaction with Lithium. This became something of a major disaster with some islands still uninhabitable due to fall out. All of this was still fresh in the minds of protesting groups at the time.)

I think it put a couple of days on our journey, but nobody objected, including the ship owners Bank Line.

Only time I ever took a nav warning about hydrogen bombs (or thermo-nuclear bombs as they're now known.) Can't say I'm sorry about that .. :eek:

Theresa Green

Well-Known Forumite
is it? wow....i never saw it before. they ran straight into the traffic jam at Redhill roundabout! which split up the convoy a little. I wonder why they move them around by road? air would be quicker/easier?

Because birds are people too