Poll Do you feed other peoples animals?

Do you feed other peoples animals?

  • No never

  • I have in the past but didn't realise the implications

  • Yes, all the time

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Well-Known Forumite
You said you gave dogs treats if they were allowed.

You didn't say you had permission of the horse owners.

You say grass from where they have access but I'm calling Bull**** if a horse has spent any length of time in a field, obviously depending on acreage but by that I mean any longer than a couple of days, all your lovely long pickable grass has gone which means you're not getting it from where the horse has access, at best you're getting lovely 6-8 inch fresh grass from the other side of the fence - for fear of repeating myself - grass with high glucose content at this time of year - grass that is not accounted for if the horse is on a restricted grazing plan or just a restricted diet - grass that I'm assuming you haven't scrutinised for anything harmful having researched the dangers of what your doing

If you do know the owners and your going to feed these horses regardless of the dangers associated with doing this - just ask them it. It isn't difficult, if they say it's fine everybody is onto a winner, if they say it's not helpful/ in anyway productive for the horses/causing them problems - perhaps you'll take their word for it rather than just mine.

There is not a single person I know that has horses that isn't driven insane by people who take it into their head that they have a right to do it, no horse owner I know likes you feeding their horses, no horse owner I know wants you to feed their horses, every horse owner I know would much prefer it if you stopped feeding their horses before you end up killing one of them.
P#ss off , I'm not explaining myself to u


Well-Known Forumite
I'm not asking you to explain yourself.

Your behaviour towards these animals is selfish and potentially dangerous to their health, what you are doing is ridiculous and you have no right whatsoever.

You are now behaving aggressively and childishly because you refuse to take my point about simply asking the horses owners.

I'm not trying to be a killjoy - just ask first - it really is that simple!


ST16 Represent.
I'm not asking you to explain yourself.

Your behaviour towards these animals is selfish and potentially dangerous to their health, what you are doing is ridiculous and you have no right whatsoever.

You are now behaving aggressively and childishly because you refuse to take my point about simply asking the horses owners.

I'm not trying to be a killjoy - just ask first - it really is that simple!

Do you not think I call bullshit is a bit agressive?


Well-Known Forumite
Do you not think I call bullshit is a bit agressive?

No I don't think it is aggressive when taken in context of the entire post - possibly a little too direct for your liking @PeterD but it was in response to a post that was clearly utter horse sh*t (pun intended) and the postie cant keep up with her own lies and doesn't like to be called out on it!

Her behaviour is unacceptable - pure and simple and she doesn't like to be told so.

To relate this to everyone, imagine your kids were playing outside, in your very own back garden and you pop in to grab the phone. As far as you're concerned they're perfectly safe and have everything they need at that present time.

Then you come out to find them eating chocolate cake - kids love chocolate cake, there was probably nothing malicious in it but you have no idea where the cake has come from one of you kids is diabetic and not allowed chocolate cake.

Then you find out your having a conversation with somebody who admits to being a cake dropper, not being a complete idiot yourself you tell them that maybe its unacceptable, said person then tells you that even though they had no business doing it, they leaned over your fence and just shoved the cake in the mouths of the children but it was already in your garden, even though there was no way it was, they found it on the other side of the fence and it was sprayed with weed killer and dog p*ss.

Then they tell you to 'p#ss off' and carry on doing it regardless of the consequences instead of having an ounce of common decency and just making sure it's alright first.


Well-Known Forumite
I don't understand how or why you have come to that conclusion @PeterD

The discussion is about something I am passionate about, possibly a little too passionate but I don't like seeing animals deliberately put in danger - which is what that is now instead of just ignorance.

You have said you've done this in the past but would not consider doing it now and I haven't said a word about it.

@Alee says she does it regularly - present tense - says there's nothing wrong with it, despite the many implications I've listed - lied about what's she's doing to cover her tracks - spat the dummy out when I point out that she has told a bare faced lie.

So yes I am enraged!

She knows nothing about horses yet refuses to listen to somebody who does - I've said all she needs to do is go and knock on the door of the owners and ask if she can bring them a carrot up when she's out for a walk but acknowledging that seems to be beyond her comprehension so instead she'll just continue to do whatever the fu*k she please and we've all got to hope she doesn't end up hurting somebody's pony


Well-Known Forumite
I don't understand why you are being so nasty, I haven't done anything to you . Have I fed your horse ?
You are making this really personal . You know nothing about me at all, yet think everything I say is bull.
I'm not trying to cover my tracks at all . I have no reason to , especially not to you. I have nothing to prove .
You are taking this way too far , your acting like I'm going round feeding everyone's horses , this is not the case .
Get off your high horse.


250,000th poster!
I had never thought about this till I read the post, I dont feed horses because I'm scared of them, but lots of people do. If you dont want random people feeding them, then surely its your responsibility to keep them where randomers cant get to them. I wouldnt leave my dog in the front garden & then not expect passing people not to try & feed or stroke him!

The animals are your responsibility, take ownership, keep them away from the public & stop trying to blame everyone else!


Well-Known Forumite
I am responsible for my animals, there is thick high hedging all around my paddocks except for one are which has a 6 foot fence, I have signs up asking people not to feed them.

What more can I do? Errect prison fencing with barbed wire? Why the hell should I have to??????

It's so frustrating, why should it be my responsibility to protect them from idiots that just do whatever the hell they want, people should be responsible for educating themselves before doing something stupid and dangerous.

This post was supposed to be about making people aware about the danger to the animals when giving them random food.

@Alee i wasn't trying to be nasty and no you haven't fed my horse as far as I am aware but there is the potential you've caused problems to somebody else's and you don't seem to aknowldege or care about that, I haven't said that everything you say is bull, just one one bit about pulling up grass they can access.


Well-Known Forumite
I do care , I love horses and have spent a lot of time with them.
i don't just go around feeding every horse I see , ripping up grass from verges which have probably been sprayed with weed killer . You have got it all wrong .
But there's no point in explainin it to you because you have already made up your mind and would just say I'm lying anyway. So you just carry on venting


Well-Known Forumite
Because you dont want people feeding them & people will still feed them regardless of a sign!

And in your opinion that's how it should be?

A person should have to turn their home into a prison because or the idiocy of others?