Face blocks hates cancer!


and so should you! go to www.faceblocks.com and show how much you hate it by donating $1.. i've no idea why it's in dollars, but it is.. it means you can get away with donating only 50p, but it feels like you're giving a whole unit of currency!

the website was set up by a girl i know.. you donate a dollar, then send your paypal transaction ID to onedollar@faceblocks.com, along with a little picture, your name, and a weblink of your choice.. your picture will then be displayed on www.faceblocks.com for all to see, and it will link to your chosen website :)

if you can spare 50p (and if you can't - what's wrong with you??) pop along to www.faceblocks.com and click the yellow I for info.. i've stuck a stafford forum smiley up there, along with a link to this place :up: