Mapping a windows shared drive on a mac?


wanna see my snake?

I have a shared folder on a server that I need to allow a Mac access to, its all set up and works fine from the PC. Thing is I just can't get my head around the mac OS, I'm a windows fanboi and its just too damn confusing!

On windows I press windows + e, type the address in the bar (\\ and it shows me the drive. I can then use the nice friendly 'map network drive' button and it is there forevermore. Not on a mac though, how the hell do I do it?


Well-Known Forumite
first goto finder as shown below and click where it is highlighted

then you will get this box

at which point smb at first to use the share services and then same way as windows really


Fat Git
I connected a mac to my my machine quite easily. Click on network and i think its just the same as windows. Maby because i had an iphone in my pocket, our new overlord, steve jobs just mafe it work.