Market Square paving.


Well-Known Forumite
The bricks around one of the covers (painted yellow :( )outside boots are starting to collapse.


Not quite market square but they have managed to put all the bricks back after digging up outside the old M&S, so that goes to show that contactors never need to put tarmac down after 'repairs'.
If the grid/cover is yellow then it's probably a fire hydrant.


(and me! - Ed)
Haven't seen the area you are referring to, however yellow is indeed used to indicate "Fire Hydrants". There should be a sign near by, 'probably attached to an adjacent building' indicating how far the Hydrant is, in metric, away from this sign.


Forum O. G.
Haven't seen the area you are referring to, however yellow is indeed used to indicate "Fire Hydrants". There should be a sign near by, 'probably attached to an adjacent building' indicating how far the Hydrant is, in metric, away from this sign.
And the pipe size.


(and me! - Ed)
Now your just getting pernickety. My old training school mates would be appalled, I missed that off the list. Used to have recordings of the "essential lists" that I played on a casset on my way into training school. It was 20 yrs ago and I do have a good excuse! ;)


Well-Known Forumite
Haven't seen the area you are referring to, however yellow is indeed used to indicate "Fire Hydrants". There should be a sign near by, 'probably attached to an adjacent building' indicating how far the Hydrant is, in metric, away from this sign.
There's still a few imperial ones about, inches for pipe diameter and feet for distance.

Theresa Green

Well-Known Forumite
what does a million pound look like


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Forum O. G.
They were digging up the Market Square new-look paving stones today. All cordoned off.
Rumour has it that they were unable to complete some work at the corner of the Shire Hall because of the scaffolding that was there at the time.

As with any rumour, there may, or may not, be some or any truth in it.

Who knows...


Well-Known Forumite
Rumour has it that they were unable to complete some work at the corner of the Shire Hall because of the scaffolding that was there at the time.

As with any rumour, there may, or may not, be some or any truth in it.

Who knows...
No rumour, it's true.


Well-Known Forumite
The protection order seems to be totally ineffective.
Two buskers with amps battling it out.
Numerous bikes weaving between people.

Also a car driving down the high street, which I obstinately walked straight towards then noticed, just before giving them an earful, it was an unmarked police car (doing nothing about the protection order).


Well-Known Forumite
The protection order seems to be totally ineffective.
Two buskers with amps battling it out.
Numerous bikes weaving between people.

Also a car driving down the high street, which I obstinately walked straight towards then noticed, just before giving them an earful, it was an unmarked police car (doing nothing about the protection order).
Two buskers with amps battling it out was what I suffered this lunchtime, the one nearest Market Square without his lips moving !
I'd got pubs to go to so didn't hang about.


Well-Known Forumite
The protection order seems to be totally ineffective.
Two buskers with amps battling it out.
Numerous bikes weaving between people.

Also a car driving down the high street, which I obstinately walked straight towards then noticed, just before giving them an earful, it was an unmarked police car (doing nothing about the protection order).
I’ll take buskers over chuggers any day of the week


Well-Known Forumite
I noticed there are a lot of coloured marks on the paving on the edge of Market Square. The edge by Boots and Barclay's etc. This usually means work by utilities. I really hope this is not the case as it's likely to mess up what is at long last a decent surface. Restoration is not normally done to very high standards.


Well-Known Forumite
I noticed there are a lot of coloured marks on the paving on the edge of Market Square. The edge by Boots and Barclay's etc. This usually means work by utilities. I really hope this is not the case as it's likely to mess up what is at long last a decent surface. Restoration is not normally done to very high standards.
Which is daft because then when Openreach ran out fibre, they were very careful to remove each driveway brick and put them all back in the same place