Mundane facts about your day...

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wanna see my snake?
The mouse that reappeared has now ripped a much larger hole in my skirting board than the previous little bastard, and apparently made a right racket last night. I suspect I have a rat :(


Well-Known Forumite

I applied for a job - heard nothing.

Thought ah well, wasn't that interested, bit far away etc and talked myself out of it!

Then I get a call for an interview on Wednesday!

But I'm unsure if I still want it???

It causes quite a bit of stress and disruption to prepare for -

Yet if I don't put in 100% and don't get it - I may kick myself forever!

I haven't seen any other suitable positions - yet its still early on and something better may come up!

I don't know what to do!

Help lovely people xxxx

Go to the interview, it is a lot to prepare for, however once you have done it, it will become easier next time. You will know if it's the right school for you by the kids and the general feel of the place. Good luck x


Well-Known Forumite
Thing is I can't say 'no' later on - if I get offered the job it will be on the day

If I then turn it down I will get 'black listed'

Yes seriously - apparently it's not the 'done thing' in teaching!

Not true lots of teachers do it, but if you are worried I'd suggest going to look round before you apply (always a brownie point scorer) have your application and cover letter ready and hand it in after your viewing if you still want to apply, that way you have the chance to make an impression and you have a better understanding of what you are going into.


Well-Known Forumite
Thing is I can't say 'no' later on - if I get offered the job it will be on the day

If I then turn it down I will get 'black listed'

Yes seriously - apparently it's not the 'done thing' in teaching!

Just to add, I felt a little concerned when I read your last sentence. The job can change you considerably there will be hundreds of things you will be told you cannot do because it's not the done thing, but whatever you do don't let the job change you unless it's for the better and not to the point your are bordering on being paranoid and avoid negative people (usually the ones close to retirement) they will grind you down, usually found snoozing in the staff room at lunchtime. And when you are being told that child has to reach that target no matter what, just keep believing and keep telling the child they can do it and quite often they will believe it too.


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Just got lost on a route I know so well I don't need to take my satnav :D

Have done the route to Worcester and back so many times , I could do it with my eyes closed .....but not wearing glasses for the first time ever to drive! Found it hard to concentrate with them plonked on my nose . On auto pilot through the dark M5 roadworks ended up in unknown territory when the coned off lane I was in took me off with no alternative than to keep going the wrong way. Seeing signs'London 115 miles'and sons phone telling us we were going east instead of north, had to do quite a few miles out of our way before managiing to turn round and find the M5 again. :roll:


Well-Known Forumite
The mouse that reappeared has now ripped a much larger hole in my skirting board than the previous little bastard, and apparently made a right racket last night. I suspect I have a rat :(

Just put a cat in there and he will kill anything that moves.


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Turned the house upside down and still can't find my watch anywhere :( . Can't remember actually seeing it when I got home from the hairdressers on Friday morning Wondering now whether the strap broke as I walked back from town ,via Queensville retail park , to Wildwood. :hmm:


Well-Known Forumite
Got up intending to retrace my steps to town in the hope of finding my missing watch that I'd turned the house upside down looking for all weekend..................... one watch sitting nicely all alone on the kitchen side ! Hubby swears blind he's got nothing to do with it , it was on the (empty) kitchen side all along, and not in his work bag when he got it out this morning :strange:


Well-Known Forumite
Ahhhh coffee..☕


Well-Known Forumite
Thinking my Japanese guest seems a lot more confident in her cooking skills than I am of my 'hit or miss' attempts .She's actually looking forwards to going out shopping for food when she arrives and cooking us a meal . Might be safer to let her cook all the meals..I'll do the washing up , can't really c0ck that up :D

(Already decided not to torture her with my burnt offerings on her first night here when it comes to my turn , and just booked a table for us at The Bear Grill ;) )
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