Northern Lights in Stafford?


Well-Known Forumite
Interesting article in the Telegraph that suggests that tonight we may have a rare opportunity to see the Northern lights as far south as the Cotswolds. Trying to work out if there may be any good spots near Stafford. The spot needs to...

1) Be away from light polution
2) Have good views of the Northern horizon
2) Ideally be on higher ground

Any ideas where may be good?

Heres the Telegraph Article
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Well-Known Forumite
They mentioned this on Stargazing Live last night too

Up at the Castle maybe? Good views all round and highest ground in Stafford - trying to think of any other high ground nearby


Active Member
Can you gain access to the castle at night? Would bet that would be a great spot Milford common or anywhere on the chase would be dark enough to see the sky but guessing not high up


Mad Cat Woman
Can you gain access to the castle at night? Would bet that would be a great spot Milford common or anywhere on the chase would be dark enough to see the sky but guessing not high up
The main gates are normally locked about midnight (I know the security bloke that does this) But there's nothing to stop you walking up there.


Well-Known Forumite
The gates are locked up at night, but you can still get up there via one of the footpaths (the one which goes down the small road along the side of Castle Church, through a small gate on the right hand side which leads through the trees, across the end of the golf course and ends up in a field at the base of the hill is probably the easiest).


Well-Known Forumite
The darker and higher the spot is, the better the chance of seeing it. May not even come to anything after all this.


Forum O. G.
Sure... Which terminal of Seighford Airport does it depart from? :)

Terminal 1 Departures currently showing no queues.
