Planning permission given to Next to demolish their Next Home store and rebuild it.


Well-Known Forumite
I can see Next's point for doing it. Better to have it all under one attractive roof than a couple. Also with the town centre development they probably want to have something that will draw people into Queens Retail Park...
Attractive roof!!??


Well-Known Forumite
When you consider that Next will be expecting to keep/increase customers with the combined store, and the addition of who ever moves into their old store I would imagine parking could be stretched at peak times. The traffic survey on the application was carried out in June, hardly a "busy" month.....

I don't know the answer to this question, but maybe somebody does. Did the Transport Assessment predict any increase in traffic movements as a result of the new Next Store? If I was Next I would be trying to claim that they would not be increasing the number of trips as they are merely merging 2 units into 1. However, it does leave a vacant unit, which when occupied would / should increase the number of traffic trips.

I suspect the original application for the Next Home store considered the implications of allowing a new store and its impact on parking and trip generation, however I believe the data should have been updated.


Well-Known Forumite
oi, don't lump us all together - i love Next, and this is great news! i was just in there at the weekend, in fact, eyeing up a Sherlock chair and matching storage footstool.. planning on ordering one next week - 7 week lead time though :gonk:

@Goldilox also has his eye on that chair...


Well-Known Forumite
I can't be bothered with Next. Nice looking stuff but so expensive IMHO. Wonder what will replace the current Next if they're going to put the clothing and home stuff in one big shop?


Well-Known Forumite
i can't imagine it would remain empty for long judging by how busy the retail park is
Nope, and I would think the developer for the retail park will be waiting for poundstretcher to go pop so they can redevelop that unit to bring it in line with the others (and split it in two in the process)....


Well-Known Forumite
There's always plenty of spaces to the side of the Next Home store and in front of Gala. I suspect it wont make much difference. Always with the negatives, isn't it?
I thought that too, there's usually plenty of unused spaces over that corner because no-one wants to walk 100 yards to the shops.