57mph said:
The new Stafford Council building is in my opinion a great result...
...I hope that this council building has a longer shelf life than 30 years, unlike it's predecessor!
John Marwood said:
There are other comments on this elsewhere int forum
here for one - though many more are dotted about.
big-blue-wolf said:
Which building are you talking about?
The only council building that I can remember being built about 30 years ago is the Civic Centre at Riverside. That building is Stafford Borough Council and not Staffordshire County Council.
Indeed, one can only assume it's the Civic Centre that is referred to, as documented
here - changes are afoot, but the building has life in it yet (more's the pity) - so common a misappropriation is made between Borough and County councils is there that, though entirely understandable, it becomes extraordinarily tiresome to those that actually do appreciate (
appreciate - is this right?) the difference.
John said:
Irrespective of any architectural merits; at a time when the nation faces austerity the like of which has not been seen for decades and high levels of unemployment (including redundancies at SCC) it would seem foolish at best and and darn right idiotic to many people that the council deemed spending such a large sum of our money on this project as essential.
a) Architectural merits should
never be brought out of perspective
b) Austerity and Unemployment may well have been staved off for some, on the back of the workforce living, breathing and
spending en ville
c) Having committed to the building, and i admit i'm on unsteady ground on this particular build, it can actually become comparably expensive
not to build as to do so, if the contract has been signed off.
henryscat said:
The amount of money spent on a new office has to be put into context by: the amount of income generated by flogging off redundant buildings and the amount saved by not running old inefficient clapped out buildings.
This is something that almost everyone will overlook - the money generated by the sell-off will probably be less than will have originally been envisaged, but nonetheless, the savings made by the running costs of a modern, well designed, energy-concious building more than compensate.
There was another point i would have liked to have made but it has escaped me - there has been quite a lot of comment about this build, cropping up in unlikely places;
henryscat said:
gilesjuk said:
Sounds like you're a spin doctor that has been sent on here to try to create some positive spin on what is a rather expense lavish development in these troubled times.
57mph says they work at the Chubb Building at Wolves - so which bit of the County Council is based there then?
ATJ said:
Come on, be reasonable. Everyone knows that if you have anything positive to say about Staffordshire County Council, you must work for them.
it may have been the likelihood of being accused of being a SCC apologist - if so then no, i don't work for them.