Examples of poor driving you have witnessed!


Well-Known Forumite
On Wednesday at about 8:20am. Someone in a 96-03 Renault Scenic going through Great Bridgeford and Creswell towards Stafford.

They stopped on the main road to let at least 4 cars out of Newport Road B5405 (to Seighford) and then again they stopped on the main road through Creswell to let someone out of the Wilke's Wood junction.

Both times there was nothing in front of the Scenic (they weren't letting them out into a queue of traffic). They just stopped on a main road.

Then yesterday afternoon someone in a red Vauxhall Corsa D tried to overtake me coming out of Creswell towards Great Bridgeford while still in the 30 limit (and I was doing 30). They soon backed out of it when I put my foot down when it got to 50. :)


driving to work this morning i heard sirens off in the distance somewhere.. looked in my rear view mirror, and sure enough there was an ambulance coming up the rear - although at this stage it was still a good few hundred yards away.. the bloke in front of me was clearly one of those annoying "stop everything immediately the moment you even sniff blue lights" types and came to a standstill, clearly presuming i would do the same..

given that the ambulance was miles away and that it would probably find it difficult to make its way through a line of stationary traffic, i carried on past this chap to create space and pulled over into the opening of a side road as the ambulance approached me and let it past.. this obviously gave this bloke a right cob on, because he came racing up behind me flashing his lights, shaking his fist, and generally making me laugh at his exasperation.. as our journeys continued, him up my arse flashing away, we eventually went our separate ways, giving him cause to pull up along side me.. as he looked over and ranted, i gave him a smug little smile and waved..

and that is how i started the day in a good mood today :teef:


Well-Known Forumite
Driving home from work today, some moron had decided it was perfectly fine to come to a complete halt on Queensville bridge, park over the cycle lane and answer his phone.

Because your phone call is so damned important that rather than ignore it until you can stop somewhere sensible, you'll block the A34 at rush hour.

I hope a cyclist kicked off his wing mirror.


Well-Known Forumite
If "witnessed" means watching a video .....



Forum O. G.
Good skill from the driver of DK59SBV just now. Valiant attempt to soak me on Goal Square, the last minute swerve towards the puddle was good, and, if you weren't driving the sort of vehicle often owned by the sort of person that would do this, then I might have had insufficient suspicion of your motives to take effective avoiding action.


Enjoying a drop of red.
Good skill from the driver of DK59SBV just now. Valiant attempt to soak me on Goal Square, the last minute swerve towards the puddle was good, and, if you weren't driving the sort of vehicle often owned by the sort of person that would do this, then I might have had insufficient suspicion of your motives to take effective avoiding action.

Damn, you mean I missed you?

Sir BoD

Well-Known Forumite
Good skill from the driver of DK59SBV just now. Valiant attempt to soak me on Goal Square, the last minute swerve towards the puddle was good, and, if you weren't driving the sort of vehicle often owned by the sort of person that would do this, then I might have had insufficient suspicion of your motives to take effective avoiding action.
Hehehe, it's times like these when I have to speed up my walking pace to a trot when approaching 'Essence of The Orient'. (Nothing to do with the food, I hasten to add) but more to do with the impending large pool of water gathered by the bus stop there.


Well-Known Forumite
Hehehe, it's times like these when I have to speed up my walking pace to a trot when approaching 'Essence of The Orient'. (Nothing to do with the food, I hasten to add) but more to do with the impending large pool of water gathered by the bus stop there.

Same here coming round the corner off Riverway onto the Weston Road - it's not unheard of for a large crowd of pedestrians to come to a complete stop just short of the corner waiting for the lights to turn red and thus make it safe to walk past the giant puddle/lake which forms just at the end of the Weston Road...


250,000th poster!
Not drivers......fecking idiots throwing stones at cars on the Stone Road just by the common just now (6.40pm)....must of been using a catapult to of hit the car with the force it did :(



Forum O. G.
Not drivers......fecking idiots throwing stones at cars on the Stone Road just by the common just now (6.40pm)....must of been using a catapult to of hit the car with the force it did :(


Squeal to the cops...

..BB guns have been used on occasion, I understand..


250,000th poster!
This is quite, erm, common. happens all the time. When the police arrive, the kids leg it down the old railway line.
:( I didn't know....I've lived right by the common for 18yrs & its never happened before.....idiots, propper shook me up.


Well-Known Forumite
Gold coloured saloon car BK52 *** this morning..........carried straight on at 30-40 mph down the Lichfield Road towards town, through the red lights, by Lloyds Bank ages after they had turned to red and the green man was on with people crossing over the other (luckily) part of the junction. Just seemed oblivious that there was even a junction and lights there at all.