Anyone on Facebook?


just saw facebook on the news.. keele university has told every single one of its students that they face formal disciplinary action if they are caught slagging off their lecturers on there..

glad to see the lecturers are rising above and being mature about it :roll:


I'm a Staffooooooordian
EMOs do come in for a lot of bad press, but they just need our love. I suggest the next time you see one - hug an EMO.

Lunar Scorpion

Anarchy in the UK
<-- Keele University drop out

Wookie said:
I was fortunate enough to receive that email - ah, the memories... I'm still a member of the Janet Finch group!


wanna see my snake?
I keep getting weird women add me lately, turns out they're old schoolmates who got married. How am I supposed to know that when they don't even post a pic?!?!?!

And its been 16 years....


tek-monkey said:
I keep getting weird women add me lately, turns out they're old schoolmates who got married.
that means their marriages are stale and they want some monkey lovin :kiss:


Well-Known Forumite

Don't know what you lot find, but the really fit girls from school you find on facebook - the ones that everyone used to fancy... tend to have gone right down hill... and all the "ugly" ones that people used to point and laugh at have grown up to be really fit!


wildwood said:

Don't know what you lot find, but the really fit girls from school you find on facebook - the ones that everyone used to fancy... tend to have gone right down hill... and all the "ugly" ones that people used to point and laugh at have grown up to be really fit!
i was saying this, almost word for word, to a couple of mates not too long ago.. it's remarkable..

Mrs M

Well-Known Forumite
I WAS one of them girls, a bit of a tomboy, everybodys mate, then Suddenly slim, a cool rock chick, can't get enough, then Suddenly 4 kids and back to where I started, lol although with one hunk more than most of them.


lol just came across this 'pon my travels:

Tommy V2 said:
Facebook is the end of humanity

For those of you who know me, you know that I am a man of my word. I am not a good person, but I am honest and virtuous. Maybe, kinda and sorta don’t exist in my vocabulary, and that’s sorta one of my best features. Maybe it’s why I’m kinda the best at what I do? Entirely possible.

Sometimes it takes a real man to listen to someone’s pain. I get to do it on a daily basis, oftentimes not by my own admission. Today’s life-threatening terrorist force comes not from the Middle East, but from your very own computer screen. It’s called Facebook, and it’s going to ruin your life – if it hasn’t already.

The start of the end

I’ll explain how Facebook works in the most honest terms you’ll come across:

* You sign up for an account. You put in some bullshit quotes and little blurbs about yourself, like you were making a singles ad. You are in a way, because you’re about to whore yourself out to the lowest bidder.

* You include pictures of yourself. You only pick the “best†ones. You also include every single picture you’ve ever appeared in, just to show strangers how outgoing you are. Girls will show off their body and clothes, and guys will show off their cars and the girls who just made a profile. They know you. They went to school with you. They own the right to be in the same picture as you, because they are popular.

* You include every aspect of your personal and professional life on the profile. Your schools, where you work, your relatives, address, phone number – anything you would be terrified of if someone got a hold of. Don’t be afraid though, this is the Internet! No bad people on the Internet to abuse the system, ever.

* You start looking up your friends. You know, those people who sometimes call your name if you’re in viewing range. Once you see their Facebook profile, you add their friends, because shit – you’re FRIENDS too

* You look up the definition of the word ‘friend’ and realize you are so very farking wrong

* You start to join the ‘clubs’ or groups of people with similar interests. No need to look hard though, there’s a group for everything. You can even make your own. You are now “An employee of Dunder-Mifflin!†but what about the other 37 groups with the same name? Dunder-Mifflin must have a lot of branches, then. +1 to originality.

* You friend writes on your “wall.†They say something meaningful like “OMG I haven’t seen you in ages! We gotta hang out soon!†Weird, eh? Last time I checked I hung out with my friends all the time. In fact, we were having so much fun hanging out that we forgot to not see each other in ages.

* This little light bulb goes off in your head about every person you’ve ever met. Is my ex-boyfriend on Facebook? How about that boy that sexually assaulted me? How about my abusive uncle? Wow, they’re all here! I can’t wait for them to know my every waking moment thanks to my friends writing on my wall about every breath I take.

* You start adding everyone, ever. You try to complete your entire high school by clicking every farking piece of blue text imaginable. You feel so liberated when that bully that beat you up apologizes 9 years too late. It’s so easy to apologize over the Internet than it is to be a real person and do it in person with some heart and soul.

* You begin to electronically stalk your friends and people you hate. You can’t stop checking their profile on a daily basis. You start to feel nauseous when you’re waiting for their weekend pictures to be posted on Monday. You get butterflies when you start to see their innermost personal life displayed for all to see. You don’t notice you’re a victim too, since there’s no way to track who’s looking at yours.

* You can’t sleep at night until you check every profile ever. You start to get a slight buzz when you find out that your worst enemy hurt themselves while on vacation. You get chills down your spine when you hear the pity in their writing and you like it.

* You start to use Facebook wall writing as a substitute for MSN Messenger and email. You write very personal plans and thoughts to your ‘friends.’ Funny, if you wrote any of that stuff in an email and someone read it, you’d be mortified and feel violated. You equate wall writing to leaving “voicemailâ€. Since everyone else is addicted to Facebook, of course they’re going to see it in minutes.

* You don’t remember the last time you spoke to a friend on the phone. Why bother? Facebook is 24/7 free and no long distance. Voice? What’s that? You can hear their voice in their pictures of them holding their drinks. You can, can’t you…?

* You start using Facebook as a filtering service for your entire life. You start to judge people’s worth based on their profile. How many books they have read? What do they listen to? Is their life quote deep or just funny? Does it change every day? Oh my god, this person likes dogs too! Must be a great person…!

* You start to wonder who’s watching your profile. You make changes to your profile to appeal to everyone alive. You become a generic version of yourself. You’re afraid to express yourself because maybe…JUST maybe the love of your life will hate you because you don’t like dogs. You now love dogs. You love everything. Everything you hate is now “all right!†and everything you love is now “cool.†Spread yourself thin, because that’s the way to bring people closer to you.

* You notice that Cindy has 137 friends. You’re a few short of that number, so you start adding your cousin’s school friends. Seems logical, seeing as you’re both alive and on the same planet

* You run into someone you Facebook with in real life. They start to tell you about their life and events, but you already know everything. Who needs human contact and conversation anyway? Seems useless, you can barely listen to mp3s while talking at a bar. That Gwen Stefani’s not gonna listen to itself, you know. This person you barely know is now congratulating you on your new job. Seems totally appropriate, seeing as they don’t know what farking colour your eyes are, or, you know, anything else.

* You read something on some website that says that if you spent as much time on Wikipedia as you did on Facebook, you’d be one of the most knowledgeable people alive and actually contribute to society

* Your attraction to the opposite sex quadruples. Guys that have no balls or personal skills are now chatting you up on Facebook. They’ve seen you drunk in pictures and now they want to be beside you. You love the attention and check your profile every chance you get. You have just found the ultimate dating service – the kind that violates every privacy act and human rights issue known to man.

* You don’t remember that last time you used MSN Messenger thanks to Facebook. You always login on invisible mode, so you don’t have to talk to anyone. You decided that MSN is just a great address book for people you hate. You read somewhere that you should delete people you don’t talk to, but then the list would be 4 people long! The horror! There's no need to address your insecurities about your social life, really.

* You start to believe your own Facebook profile. You become more fake and more ‘fake outgoing.’ You change your little status message to alert everyone about your Cuba vacation and any every farking minutia imaginable. The best part is that since anyone can read this, thieves know what you’re up to and break into your house without incident. The insurance company laughs at you and calls you an idiot. I am not far behind.

* You die, finally. No one notices because you weren’t there to post that as your status message. The end.

I hope you’re beginning to see the light. This is your life, and it’s ending one click at a time. Facebook brings out the worst in people. You put so much time and energy into something that makes you a worse person. Do you WANT this? I’m surprised you’ve made it this far into the article without changing tabs to check if someone wrote on your wall…

I no longer have a Facebook account. Mine lasted all of 12 hours before I came to my farking senses. People kept adding me, writing messages, asking me computer questions, flirting…go away. I don’t know you, and I don’t want to. You didn’t talk to me years ago, you have no right to talk to me now. I will not make an account. Your pretty little ‘school collection’ will never be complete without me. You will not be my buddy, and I will not ask your girlfriend about her new job. You won’t see me there, period. I am a popular dude on the Internet, but my private life is just that. You will not know things about me, and that’s how I like it. Privacy is the ultimate freedom that we are granted in life, and you fools are giving it away.

I want to be able to meet someone new and learn about them as nature intended. Ever occur to you that Facebook has a more complete and dynamic personnel tracking system than the CIA does? Works really well if you’re a total loser and have no social skills. Yep, I went there.

I can’t even recall the amount of times I’ve been told this story:

Boyfriend breaks into girlfriend’s Facebook account (born in what city? Super! Thanks!) and realizes that lots of guys are flirting with her. She sends them playful messages because everyone is a whore online. They have a fight in real life (remember that?) and hilarity ensues. They change passwords, trust issues, betrayal, etc etc etc Othello dies. You can substitute any gender and any situation, but it happens all the time. Here’s an idea – grow the feck up! Stop sneaking around and flirting with everyone with a heartbeat. Have some dignity, please. You are not a socialite all of a sudden. You are not busy. You work the same 8 hours a day as everyone else. The other 16 hours you’re allowed to be honest with yourself and not put on a poorly-acted play for everyone else you secretly hate and/or want to bang. Pick up the phone, call a friend, go do something and don’t take 112 pictures of it to put on Facebook. Seriously. I’m not old fashioned, I’m not a shut-in – I just want all of you to know what you’re doing, since most of you are too dense to figure it out on your own.

I, as a human being, implore you to stop using Facebook. Delete your account. You’ll be surprised when no one even notices. It is one of the most evil devices ever created and it’s destroying your life. You are hopelessly addicted and it will be the end of your natural life. I guarantee if you can make it 2 weeks without it, your life will become better in every way. Please share this article with everyone and see if it raises any concern – you’ll be surprised. And ashamed…and you should be.
a bit long, but quite funny nonetheless :D

right, i'm off to update my facebook status to "lollin" :teef:


wanna see my snake?
Logged in the other day and had 13 friends requests - I knew 2 of them as mates in real life and had talked to neither in about 8 years.


Well-Known Forumite
Facebook's great for keeping in touch with people you haven't seen for years. It's the close friends I see all the time I don't bother to add - what's the point? They already know what I'm up to, I'm equally aware of their habits and anything we need to say to each other, we can do in real life.
I love Facebook! Being a RAF kid who has moved around a lot and been to loads of schools its a great way to keep in touch with people. Im a Parking Wars fanatic and always looking for streets to park on if you want to add me!