Easy way to make money!!

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m4d l33t skillz
If you have paypal then this is very ideal if not i would recommend making one for free @ www.paypal.com or stop reading :).
This site is 100% safe, secure and is not a scam. It only started about 2 weeks ago so there isn't so many ads you can click but there will be more added.
[link removed]
Go to there and just register (click that because i earn more money for reffering you), the more refferals you have the faster you make money, it's in $ but will auto-convert to £'s :).


(and me! - Ed)
Alternatively prostitute your body on Grapes Corner. Your income may be dependant on your looks, but having said that,... in my limited experience of commercial sex workers, maybe not!

PS The flaw in my cunning commercial plan, is (as pointed out by Aged Parent I think) Grapes Corner is, and may never have been, a place where ladies, or men, of the night congregate for the purposes of importuning.

Are there commercial sex workers in Stafford? shock horror! We should be told! I have heard the odd rumour, and there is a massseur who advertises in The Post.

If you go to Smoke on Stench, the streets are lined with bordello's, this correspondant is delighted that our pristine town seems relatively free from this stain!

Ignore him, he had a bad night; if you do, he should go away! Ed


You there; behave!
Staff member
Please do not post links such as these referral schemes. Most people understand they are bogus, and simply regard them as Spam and an annoyance, but less savvy internet users may be tempted to actually take part, which is not something to be encouraged.

I'm closing this thread before it turns into a discussion about gon2seed's prostitution habits ;)
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