Mundane facts about your day...

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izzy emm

A few posts under my belt
was my day off so went to stoke market thats bad as its nearly all empty or selling rubbish,met my daughters who came back for tea. found this site on google so am now addicted to it :monkeydance:


Mad Cat Woman
Just finished an 11½hr shift, goin bed now just so I can repeat it all over again tonight....... I love my job :D


Well-Known Forumite
Dropped hubby off at hospital for his op .....sitting here hoping the phone doesn't ring .

A baby bird is trying his best to fly through my patio windows. After several attempts he's now sitting on the chair outside watching me.

izzy emm

A few posts under my belt
just having my brekky then off to work and live on the till again with lots of patient customers...........not.

izzy emm

A few posts under my belt
Before i worked behind a till i didnt realise how bad some customers are tek but they are not all bad...gotta go have a nice day :scouse:


250,000th poster!
Dropped hubby off at hospital for his op .....sitting here hoping the phone doesn't ring .

A baby bird is trying his best to fly through my patio windows. After several attempts he's now sitting on the chair outside watching me.

Hope everything goes well for your husband Staffordjas :)

I have a ton of things I need to get done, but no motivation :(


Well-Known Forumite
Hope everything goes well for your husband Staffordjas :)

I have a ton of things I need to get done, but no motivation :(

Thanks littleme :) Had a text off him 11am saying he was still waiting to go in :( Was hoping it was going to say it was all done & dusted & he was back on the ward .
Got loads to do myself but can't concentrate. Doing a bit of this,bit of that and getting nowhere!

Stood at the front window for ages so that I could see son driving back on his lesson-missed him last time :rolleyes:


Well-Known Forumite
Phew - Just found out hubby back on ward after op. In discomfort but ok :)

Despairing that quite a few baby blackbirds keep crashing into my patio windows :( Well over 50 of them at a time on my feeders, think I'm feeding all the birds on the estate!


250,000th poster!
Been tidying and doing mini jobs all day, so far everywhere looks even messy-er, and I've got super-glue all over the top of the ironing board!

Any hints for getting it off?


Stafford PC & laptop repair specialist
Been tidying and doing mini jobs all day, so far everywhere looks even messy-er, and I've got super-glue all over the top of the ironing board!

Any hints for getting it off?

If it's on the metal, nail varnish remover or rubbing alcohol. If it's on the fabric, new ironing board cover!


Well-Known Forumite
Spent £11 (travel there, back and cost of damn thing) collecting 'something' from the main sorting office that was 50p short on it's postage so couldn't be delivered. Got there to discover instead of a parcel i'm expecting it was a pointless letter I in no way needed and they'd not put postage on at all. Rather cross about it :grr:
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