Stafford Tenants and Residents Group


Nixon Garden Neatness
First meeting of the STAFFORD TENANTS AND RESIDENTS BOROUGH PARNTERSHIP monday night - we did posters all around the borough but turn out was low we felt that the bad weather may have contributed to the low numbers.

We had a guest speaker on affordable warmth which translated into non jargon speak means paying for your gas and electricity without getting into debt

Our next meeting will be in April – time and venue to be confirmed – we shall continue with the affordable warmth theme with leaflets and information to give to attendees and we shall be trying to get a guest speaker from the borough council to come and talk about environmental issues.
Hope to see you there let us know if you are interested in this group.


A few posts under my belt
Sounds like a useful group for local people. If you would like Katharine House Hospice to come out and give a talk on our services and how they are accessed/who we help etc then we would be more than happy to as we give alot of community talks and presentations. Call Amy on 01785 270 808 if you are interested.


Nixon Garden Neatness
Invite to Meeting DATE: Tuesday 3rd April TIME: 6.30

Come along and have a chat bring friend and a neighbour
What do you think are important matters?
Broken pavements – Dirty streets – Safety in your area – Bus services – Housing repairs not done Anti-social behaviour


Well-Known Forumite
Can I come along and ask that roads in areas with a more dense population of tax payers are repaired ahead of highfields?


Well-Known Forumite
There are times when you do say silly things. Despite me not agreeing with your comment, I use the roads in Highfields regularly, despite not living there, and being a tax payer.


Well-Known Forumite
Is it as bad as you say. Generally the area is not in bad shape most residents look after their houses.

Like anywhere there will be good and bad but to come out with broad statements based on unsubstantiated facts does not help.


Nixon Garden Neatness
stafford tenants and residents open meeting monday june the 11th at civic offices riverside stafford - 6.30 start - all welcome and if you have a housing issue that needs sorting out maybe we can help come along and see - cup of tea or coffee provided and maybe a biscuit

Richie Cooper

A few posts under my belt
Hi, I'm all about saving money in the Local Community for Local People through championing Local Business and would love to come to your group some time.

Im starting a business in Stafford and would love to speak to your members about thebestof Stafford and how they can influence the offers they receive.
