The Dark Knight


Ex Bare Nastyman
What an amazing film, I must admit i used to be a bit of a teen movie fan back in the late 90's, ( think it must of been an influence of a girl at the time), anyway, from ten things i hate about you i was a bit of a heath ledger fan, not obsessed with each film but i just liked him, (though not in a broke back kind of way) so when i first heard he had died i was a bit gutted, and then the talk of a posthumous Oscar being banded around i thought it was a bit of sympathy talking i suppose, but seeing the film, i don’t think there are many better performances....turns out he's a method actor..., and the saddest thing, i think the film was left open for a return of the joker, though after seeing the movie, could anyone ever play that role as well as Heath? the answer?....NO!


James Myatt
I saw it tonight. It was....good.

I guess after all the hype, it just wasn't the best film in the world ever, which is what I was expecting it to be.