The Living Room (PKA Chambers)


wanna see my snake?
At least that reporter appears to have done a bit of homework and has concluded that none of his restaurants are open.

Yet Lloyd Waldron is still saying that he owns a string of restaurants in The Midlands.

What is he? Some kind of fantasist?
A mate of mine submitted a very detailed comment on the website about past business, it was not published. It appears it was read though.


wanna see my snake?
Saw a guy in a suit sat on the steps yesterday, an hour later a different guy in a suit was hanging around. Dunno why.


wanna see my snake?
What did it say?
Not got the exact wording, but basically went through several venues on the website and used news reports, Facebook, trip advisor and Google Street view to prove they didn't exist. Also proved the website was updated recently so wasn't old content.


Well-Known Forumite
Not got the exact wording, but basically went through several venues on the website and used news reports, Facebook, trip advisor and Google Street view to prove they didn't exist. Also proved the website was updated recently so wasn't old content.

The whole thing is strange. Even now saying the bar is going to open when signs have been taken down. In a court he would get locked up is a padded room


Well-Known Forumite
It was nice to get into the building either way (the one or two days it was open), if not to just stand there and reminisce about Chambers.


Well-Known Forumite
I don't suppose anyone made a note of the various premises that were supposed to be open? Meant to investigate them further but the website vanished before I noted them down.


Well-Known Forumite
There is an interesting couple of comments on this story here:


and here:

Martha_Tydfil appears to be trying to frighten the other commenter s with libel! They've dug into the accounts system on the website and used the persons full name, not the nickname in one case...

Do you think the same thing has been tried with the Express and Scare and they've taken the story down for 'clarification'?


Well-Known Forumite
There is an interesting couple of comments on this story here:


and here:

Martha_Tydfil appears to be trying to frighten the other commenter s with libel! They've dug into the accounts system on the website and used the persons full name, not the nickname in one case...

Do you think the same thing has been tried with the Express and Scare and they've taken the story down for 'clarification'?
In both cases, interestingly that profile pops up on a selection of different stories in the area from last January -


wanna see my snake?
I don't suppose anyone made a note of the various premises that were supposed to be open? Meant to investigate them further but the website vanished before I noted them down.

Leamington Spa
Sutton Coldfield


Well-Known Forumite
Leamington Spa
Sutton Coldfield

We 'google walked' several of them, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Coventry I think. None of them showed any signs of being anything other than a deserted ex licensed premises, Just like Chambers really. If I was being charitable I would say it could just have been the timing of the google car going round meant that they weren't picked up.

I guess the lesson to learn from this is that the t'internet is ephemeral and screens should always be captured for posterity.


wanna see my snake?
We 'google walked' several of them, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Coventry I think. None of them showed any signs of being anything other than a deserted ex licensed premises, Just like Chambers really. If I was being charitable I would say it could just have been the timing of the google car going round meant that they weren't picked up.

I guess the lesson to learn from this is that the t'internet is ephemeral and screens should always be captured for posterity.

The Sutton Coldfield one was meant to open late 2015, in January 2016 they said it wasn't viable, in May 2016 the google car shows the old premises with a sign in the window saying coming soon, but it looks rather neglected, in May 2017 the White Sands Group still let you book a table there.


wanna see my snake?
This is the text that was posted onto the Newsletter, but never printed:

Libel eh? OK, lets take a look.

There are 9 venues listed on the white sands group website ( The website was updated recently to add the Living Room Bar, so we know its not an out of date site. So lets take a look at Sutton, you can book a table for today, great! But hang on a minute, that restaurant never opened (http://www.suttoncoldfieldobserver....n-restaurant/story-28468634-detail/story.html), how can I book a table? Lets take a look at a google street view image captured in May last year:!8m2!3d52.5580417!4d-1.8270823

Still looks closed then, but maybe it opened later? Perhaps the facebook page will shed some light, lets have a look:

Nothing since 2015? But I can book a table, how odd! Lets choose another, Rugby? I can book a table, good start. So, I wonder what the reviews are like? Odd, tripadvisor doesn't list them? Hang on though, they do list another restaurant at that address ( Very strange, maybe the facebook page could shed some light?
Nothing since September, thats strange. Anything on google, surely there would be some sort of presence online?

I'm sure you get the picture. Either the white sands group are a genius at search engine optimisation to hide themselves from searchers, which would be a very odd trait for a restaurant, or just maybe these places don't exist?

So I stand by my earlier post. The venues listed on the recently updated white sands website that allow me to book a table (live booking no less, it states when places are free or not) cannot be found when searching for them. There is proof of at least one getting started but not opening, I can't find proof of most of the others even starting up! Feel free to correct me if you believe I am incorrect, but until I see such evidence I stand by my assertions.