Restaurant Suggestions.


Well-Known Forumite
..but the lamb had it's throat cut and was dangling as if someone was holding it under its tummy.....head right down & limp....
That sounds like signs used for pubs called the Fleece or Golden Fleece, not seen it used for a Lamb


250,000th poster!
I moved to Stafford in 1973 and don't remember such a sign.
Rowlands abattoir was next to the prison.
I knew it! At least you remember one else did. We would walk from Bertlin Rd to town, we always passed the abbatoir, which I remember being by the prison.. I remember the animals 'crying' as they were taken out of the lorry, and the smell was just blood & death...I was probably only 4 or 5 at the time.


Well-Known Forumite
I knew it! At least you remember one else did. We would walk from Bertlin Rd to town, we always passed the abbatoir, which I remember being by the prison.. I remember the animals 'crying' as they were taken out of the lorry, and the smell was just blood & death...I was probably only 4 or 5 at the time.
There was a cattle market around the corner too

but most people will remember it as the Reynolds Bar 😂


250,000th poster!
There was a cattle market around the corner too

but most people will remember it as the Reynolds Bar 😂
Ohhh yes, I remember that....and walking home in bare feet after my best friend threw up on the bouncer.....shes a police officer now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well-Known Forumite
Feast on the decaying remains of your ancestors.

Allegorically, at a place most convenient to all participants.



Forum O. G.
When I lived in Stafford it was a 'two kebab' walk if going home alone. One from Atlas, then another from the place bottom of Wolverhampton Road.
I used to love an Atlas Kebab. You are making me want one now and I'm sober!
In my personal map of Stafford Atlas is situated on Limassol Corner.

The smell as I walk home takes me back to living on Thessalia Street in 1968.