SRFC Associate
A few posts under my belt
Hello good people of Stafford!
I am posting this thread on the main area as this not just about sport, but is about the town's main football club and it's associated community.
The club has recently undergone some changes and now needs to prepare itself for a period of transition. With directors and staff leaving the club, action is needed to help the club through this period and raise funds to get us though to the Summer break as well as putting down foundations for next season with a new structure in place.
On Thursday 10th April a meeting was held at the football club between a selection of the club's fans, staff and directors to look at the way forward and try to re-establish a working structure.
While the club is positive about turning things around and has already sold a number of season tickets for next season and also received a fair amount of commercial interest for sponsors for next season, it is honestly acknowledged that the club needs to push on now and in the Summer with a number of financial restructuring exercises and fund raising activities.
With the club's final two home games against Ashton on Saturday 12th April (3.07 pm) and Bank Holiday Monday 21st against Nantwich at 3pm, plans are already being made for these days. Tomorrow fans are being urged to bring a friend or more to the game to increase the gate. While on Bank Holiday Monday a fun day is being planned around the game with social club events including bouncy castle, face painting and a barbecue, while under 16's can also get into the game free of charge. Raffles etc are also planned.
Stafford public will be encouraged to attend these days and also further Summer events to help strengthen the club during this period with events also planned around the upcoming FA Cup and World Cup matches.
The club is looking for match day volunteers, sponsors, social club bookings and long lost fans to return to the club.
For any offers of help please contact the club on 602430 or for any club bookings 602432.
Thanks for reading.
Up The Boro!
I am posting this thread on the main area as this not just about sport, but is about the town's main football club and it's associated community.
The club has recently undergone some changes and now needs to prepare itself for a period of transition. With directors and staff leaving the club, action is needed to help the club through this period and raise funds to get us though to the Summer break as well as putting down foundations for next season with a new structure in place.
On Thursday 10th April a meeting was held at the football club between a selection of the club's fans, staff and directors to look at the way forward and try to re-establish a working structure.
While the club is positive about turning things around and has already sold a number of season tickets for next season and also received a fair amount of commercial interest for sponsors for next season, it is honestly acknowledged that the club needs to push on now and in the Summer with a number of financial restructuring exercises and fund raising activities.
With the club's final two home games against Ashton on Saturday 12th April (3.07 pm) and Bank Holiday Monday 21st against Nantwich at 3pm, plans are already being made for these days. Tomorrow fans are being urged to bring a friend or more to the game to increase the gate. While on Bank Holiday Monday a fun day is being planned around the game with social club events including bouncy castle, face painting and a barbecue, while under 16's can also get into the game free of charge. Raffles etc are also planned.
Stafford public will be encouraged to attend these days and also further Summer events to help strengthen the club during this period with events also planned around the upcoming FA Cup and World Cup matches.
The club is looking for match day volunteers, sponsors, social club bookings and long lost fans to return to the club.
For any offers of help please contact the club on 602430 or for any club bookings 602432.
Thanks for reading.
Up The Boro!